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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 34 Mara Anni Spec Healing Sucks


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I'm reading about these 300k with 100k healing posts, but I'm wondering at what point our healing actually becomes viable to keep me upright in a fight? As it stands it is such a tiny amount I'll go a whole warzone with maybe 5-6k healed. I do that much with dark charge on my assassin.


I'm not whining I'm just curious about what levels I'll start seeing enough return on the heals to feel like it made a true difference in living or dying.


Should I spec rage at these levels to medal farm?

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alot of the healing comes from the pure shockfrozen water


even at level 50 the bleed heals arent really enough to make a significant impact in a single fight, with berserk you only heal 12% of your HP over the duration, plus a few more crits and your only lookin at maybe 20% per 1v1


yea, its nice, it helps, but its not massive, where you see it is over the course of whole warzones, long duration fights, when you have healers throwin out spot heals as well, you can heal yourself for 50% of your hp in a minute or 2


in full length warzones that adds up

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Also considering at level 34 your Crit is probably abyssmally low you can't expect for it to heal as much as it would someone with a ~50% buffed bleed crit chance.


No PvP is ever balanced around lower levels; bolster is there so that level 30-40 players can actually get into WarZones.

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I've played Maurader to level 49 so far and healing can be an issue sometimes, but mostly, it's keeping your buffs up and doing as much damage as possible as quickly as possible. Having your companion dealing massive damage at the same time and a properly placed med pak and I'm yet to run into an elite star that can take me down. They are more troublesome when accompanied my crystals, when one of them is a droid it's easy I can always freeze a droid wish we had a power like the Sorcerer's whirlwind that kept any type of enemy frozen while we destroy his friends. Only had one PVP experience I was attacked while mistakenly flagged PVP on Voss after running into Republic territory a Jedi Sage of the exact same level as me attacked me and then I literally tore them to pieces. It made me feel good about the Maurader class dismantling the Sage so easily.
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