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Were marauders buffed or nerfed?


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I see some posts saying that annihilation tree was actually nerfed and that their dps is actually decreased instead of increased? can anyone confirm this?


From my experience, it seems that my dps increased...but that's just me.

i have full champion gear.

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Too soon to really tell. Everyone uses their WZ DPS chart to determine their worth, which is poor because there's too many factors to consider. Even in a Premades, to determine whether or not it's a buff or nerf. No one had the foresight to test their attacks on different armor classes in a duel with their fried just standing there to have something to compare it to. Add in the fact the patch more or less effects grits and critical based damage. Lots of factors.


I'm going to go on a limb and say that it could go either way, but even then I don't see this "nerf" as being anything substantial. And if people are mad just because they were "lied" to, have obviously been either over optimistic or have never made an honest mistake in their life. Relax.

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Math seems to show it is a nerf. Pre-patch, the 30% from Bleedout was applying to all of your DoTs, plus the 6% from Hemmorage made it +36% bonus damage on regular hits, and an additional 1.7ish multiplier for crits. Now, it is a +15% bonus damage on regular hits, and 2ish multiplier for crits. Obviously, the regular hit damage is lower. Now, 1.36 * 1.7 = 2.312, while 1.15 * 2 = 2.3, so even the crit hit damage is now lower, showing that it is an overall decrease in damage.


That said, it's still a strong spec. I got 615k damage in a voidstar this morning (granted people were healing me) and even without healers I'm still averaging around 340k.

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I posted this in another thread:


Since the +30% to crit dmg is additive it ends up being about a 5% nerf to overall bleed dmg (assuming 50% bleed crit chance which is probably conservative if you factor in Berzerk uptime) which means it's less than 5% nerf to total dmg.


If you were doing well with annihilation pre-patch, you'll continue to do well. They shouldn't have called it a buff though.


Since the base dmg determined by str, power, etc is same in both cases, I just excluded it from calculations.

@ 80% crit multiplier:


old crit: 1.34 x 1.8 = 2.412

new crit: 1.15 x 2.1 = 2.415


old non-crit: 1.34

new non-crit: 1.15


at 50% crit chance

old: 0.67 + 1.206 = 1.876

new: 0.575 + 1.2075 = 1.7825


(1.876 - 1.7825)/1.876 = 0.0498 = approx 5% bleed dmg decrease



2.415(x) + 1.15(1-x) = 2.412x + 1.34(1-x)

x = 0.9844


For it to be considered a buff at 80% crit multiplier, you would have to have > 98.44% crit chance.


That said, I haven't really noticed the change. You definitely need to make sure you get 3/3 hemorrhage otherwise you'll notice a significant decrease.

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