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Alacrity. How much Alacrity should I stack before I move on to Surge as a full Heals Merc?


In fact, anyone have a stat breakdown for what to stack and in which order?


I've set a personal cap at Healing Scan @ 1sec cast time.

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Guess I'll elaborate. I haven't been a big fan of Alacrity in PvE. I would rather heal for more less often, than heal for less more often. It's all about heat for me. I have a small amount of Alacrity... around 105 I think. And I've never felt like I needed more, and I've never had heat issues.


I prefer crit, surge and power for PvE healing.


For PvP on the other hand, I think you need a decent amount - though I haven't given it much time at 50 yet... so I'll leave it to others to comment on.

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Unfortunately, there is a lot of bad info being thrown around regarding alacrity for bodyguards and no good info that I have seen.


If you are running a somewhat normal spec, you have speced into some permanent or situational alacrity and Bioware has put it on your set pieces, so alacrity is kind of unavoidable.


When it comes to secondary stats I'd focus on crit first trying to get to around 40%. Surge will come with it. Your bonus heals should be hitting around 500+, if not you might want more power. Then if you have some stat room, start playing with alacrity.


Good luck.


Edit: The above is for PVE. I dunno about PvP.

Edited by TempestasSilva
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