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FIRE YOUR PVP Manager now


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Right back at you; swings both ways.




So you're telling me I just point out the negatives, while ignoring the fact that you quoted me saying the class balance is good in this game? Lol, what? Every view has bias - including yours. It's unavoidable. I fail to see how my view is "out of proportion" - have you seen the forums? My views are more mainstream if anything.



You didn't say class balance was good, you stated it "wasn't bad". The two are not one in the same. It also contributes to my point that the idea is "what is bad and what is not bad", has nothing to do with "what is good".


Just because they're getting money, doesn't mean they're doing a good job. Correlation =/= causation.


Their job is to make BW money by creating PvP. Thus they are doing a good job. The fact that there are so many posters on the PvP forums can be construed as evidence that they are actually doing a good job. It's not some people complaining, it's a horde of people complaining. This means a horde of people are playing PvP. If PvP sucked as bad as people claimed then people would not be playing instead of complaining. They complain because it's decent, they just want to get over the obstacles that exist. There is a difference.



I don't think anyone is asking for the whole team to be fired. If you had a reading comprehension higher than a goldfish, you could see in my post that I explicitly stated I don't necessarily agree with the OP.


You implied it. Additionally half the people on this thread are asking for exactly that and since those people also read these posts I felt it was needed.

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Seriously , like no joke this has got to be the worst pvp fixing of all time .....


1st the huge fail with the tank trade fest ... then this retarded concept of gathering armaments in one spot on the map with 20-30 ppl + hogging it out like sharks around bait for endgame pvp with anyone with less then a brain would know the result of an overpopulated side faction based game of having ppl duke it out , wich is the overpopulated side camping the base exits of the other faction for a zerg infested kill trade fest...


And now you reduce the armaments spawn lol the only solution to thoses who could not handle the terrible zerg fest of trading kills at repub base ...

Guess what now there is someone camping every friggin spawn point of armaments lol


The stupidity of the development on this game is limitless , i mean no one could have done worst , is it like a catch are you guys laughing at us ? SERIOUSLY whats going on is it a joke you guys made sales and now dont care of what happens or if everyone leaves ????????? like is bioware TRYING hard to kill the game ???????????


PATHETIC AT BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!


A friggin joke .

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I Feel better knowing not only French people agree with me but all the international communty.


We pretty much (except fan boys) all feel the same. I couldn't use any other words that you guys already did in order to describe what I feel.


Bioware shoudl act, quickly and hire some community manager or someone on whom we can trust/rely on.

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I Feel better knowing not only French people agree with me but all the international communty.


We pretty much (except fan boys) all feel the same. I couldn't use any other words that you guys already did in order to describe what I feel.


Bioware shoudl act, quickly and hire some community manager or someone on whom we can trust/rely on.



A known is better than an unknown.


Can't just bring someone off the streets to run something that's been in development for as long as SWTOR has.

Edited by Semitote
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Get down to earth. That is his/their job, this is business. You do your job properly or you find another job.


You would be calling nearly everyone out on this. You will be hard pressed to find someone that does their job “properly” all the time. The expectations of “properly” differentiate between person to person.


Oh, you don’t like it so they couldn’t have done it properly? Dealing with morons makes jobs that much harder.


lets see if they how quickly they learn from mistakes before resorting to mindless theatrics.

Edited by Kalliadies
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How did this crap go live...multiple kills on Ilum, even on an objective, and nothing...no valor, no kill count nothing. That makes this game UNPLAYABLE for my 50s.


I GAVE UP on WZs because of the "no credit for victory bug". Now I have to give up on Ilum because of no credit for kills. GUESS WHAT IS NEXT. GIVE UP ON BUGGY @#$ GAME. Not that Ilum was ever some incredibly fun, balanced, well thought out PvP experience.


It was pretty much a flippin joke and a model of craptastic design, but AT LEAST you could work around the cratpasms and get your kills, even as a rep...but now even that is borked...HOW CAN YOU GUYS LET THIS HAPPEN. WHERE IS YOUR PRIDE? This isnt some obscure bug...everyone is experiencing it, and it is something as basic as you get a kill, you get no credit...COMEON.

Edited by Dyvim
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I understand that PvP can be difficult to code, and Ilum certainly isn't ideal, but the recent bug just amplifies the anger about the poor PvP in this game.


Furthermore, other than the daily, what exactly are we fighting for? Okay, the daily gives bags to improve armor, but anything else? Valor doesn't do anything...except give you access to better bags....


Open world PvP needs meaning, it needs a way to combat zerg camping, and progression in one's character beyond gear. Didn't anyone at Bioware know this before making the game and including PvP? This is what is frustrating. MMO games with PvP mechanics have been done for a long, long time, and yet we still have to redo the basics it seems in every single game.


I don't mind hearing about letting a company improve the game over time, etc. But when the fundamental basics of PvP MMO are missing, it's more than just improving it, it shows the complete lack of understanding by the developer(s) in charge of the PvP.


What exactly was the meeting like when PvP was discussed? Was it...

"well, there's a zone, they go and fight..."

"What's in the zone to fight for?"

"Uh, some crates in the middle"

"That do what?"

"Well, nothing, but you can fight for them. And there are objectives to hold"

"How to you take an objective?"

"Fire 3 missles, takes about 30 seconds to complete"

"Oh, sounds like you got it all covered."

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a bug in game..


Laughable.. obviously the pvp director or dev person is a nub to player vs player in a mmo enviroment.


PvP in Tor is a joke with 99% of matches ive been in ending up Empire v Empire.


Guess what kiddies Imperials didnt fight Imperials unless at the order from their sith masters.


PvP where your all runnning around like a chicken with your head cut off doesnt make for good pvp.


Sorry guys you can try to toss in the tor pvp love fest but your preaching to a Glad rated wow pvper 5 yrs running.


Ive done pvp in other mmos liked it or hated it either way tor isnt the worst out their and its far from the best.


Brackets need to be established even if only for 10 20 30 40 50


Factions need to be facing factions or else lets just toss the republic make it all sith in game.


Obviously yous failed at selling the light side of the force if you can not conjure up 8 players to run a pvp.



All i know is huttball is playable the rest is just a mess bodies everywhere thats not fun trying to click an opponent and not being able to due to your own team and theres running on top of him and tring a short cut to target not working in game.



All in all id rate tor a 2 at best and thats just graphics.. the quests are decent but could have been better.. The lack of lore is head shakingly sad Hutts from anywhere but their HOME WORLD of NAL HUTTA is laughable! I mean really is it Jabba Da var what the hell ever?


No the Hutt is from their place of origin Nal Hutta maybe picking up a book reading a internet listing in the wookipedia may have helped an ioda! just maybe..

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You would be calling nearly everyone out on this. You will be hard pressed to find someone that does their job “properly” all the time. The expectations of “properly” differentiate between person to person.


Oh, you don’t like it so they couldn’t have done it properly? Dealing with morons makes jobs that much harder.


And let's not forget that morons create new jobs. I make most of my money off morons (from other companies) creating new work for me.

Edited by Semitote
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And let's not forget that morons create new jobs. I make most of my money off morons (from other companies) creating new work for me.


Very true, Half my Job is I.T support


At times theres so many needing help over nothing, it feels like all I do

Edited by Kalliadies
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While I do agree people need to be held accountable for their work...

Expecting a perfect launch or to have a perfect game less than 2 months after launch is a ridiculous standard to set.

Always have to give people time to right the ship.


Personally, I like the PvP and look forward to future additions / improvements to the PvP system, but I also know a lot of people do not and they are trying tirelessly to appease as many players as they can.


For to play this game, I've paid 60$ (box) +15$ monthly fees = 75$. Should I understand I've paid 75$ for to let Bioware to turn the ship in the right direction? I'm paying for a beta?

When i pay, I expect a product running and ready, not a product in beta.

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For to play this game, I've paid 60$ (box) +15$ monthly fees = 75$. Should I understand I've paid 75$ for to let Bioware to turn the ship in the right direction? I'm paying for a beta?

When i pay, I expect a product running and ready, not a product in beta.


Your paying for a product that IS running and that is always in development. That’s exactly what your getting at this point

Edited by Kalliadies
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Hey there!


Though we appreciate that you have concerns regarding the game, we’re going to close this thread as it does not have a topic for constructive discussion. Creating a thread to call for an employee to be fired is never appropriate discussion for our forums. We welcome all constructive opinions - both positive and negative - but we ask that they are based around the game itself.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

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