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Macros that could fix the Marauder


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That's what I was saying. I keybind everything. I have something like 36 keybinds on my marauder, far more than any other class I have ever played on any character on any other MMO, and I have played more than my fair share. Like I said, I do fine in PvP. I don't have the best gear, but I still manage top 3 in most warzones. But it is hard to argue that 36 buttons isn't out of the norm for past MMOs, and macros had a lot to do with the streamlining of those other games. I actually had to take several skills such as Hilt strike off just because I ran out of hotbar space.


Dude, I have every single marauder ability Keybound. I do not have "most" Keybound. I have every single ability my character has learned plus mount, plus sprint stim everything. An I still have room left on 4th action bar. This is not a new concept. My pvp toons on WoW used same amount of keybinds. Don't get why people acting like this is new this has been around for over 10years using this many keybinds on tons of different games.

Edited by Furyofwar
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<sigh> another macro post..... bottom line you kiddies cant play a game without having one button to push only. l2p and learn how to keybind your abilities so you can do just this stuff. no macros no noooooooo never stop trying to make this wow.


Moron. Macros erase the line between "rich kids" and "poor kids" - people who have expensive geyming keyboards/mices and people who don't. Right now I'm popping relics and adrenals with one Razer Naga button.



Edited by Deviltreh
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Dude, I have every single marauder ability Keybound. I do not have "most" Keybound. I have every single ability my character has learned plus mount, plus sprint stim everything. An I still have room left on 4th action bar. This is not a new concept. My pvp toons on WoW used same amount of keybinds. Don't get why people acting like this is new this has been around for over 10years using this many keybinds on tons of different games.

Same, compared to my early cata Warrior I was actually shocked on how little I had to keybind with my Marauder to pew pew.

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Same, compared to my early cata Warrior I was actually shocked on how little I had to keybind with my Marauder to pew pew.


On my warrior (been playing since release of tbc) I had 6 extra bars that were completely full and most of the slots keybound (so 9 total as each of the stances had their own bar; i.e. arms bar 1-10, fury bar 1-10, and prot bar 1-10).


On SW:Tor they only give you 3 additional bars, so I'm short by at least 3 bars what I'm used to (5 bars if you count the other two stance bars, which you should because they had completely different abilites that I used for each stance). 30-50 slots does account for something.


It is inconvienent in SW:Tor atm, just saying, not bragging or flexing epeen, many other mmo players are just used to using more -- it's a quality of life issue.


Hopefully they add more soon.

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Macros do nothing but allow crap players to pretend they have skill.




IMO Macros should NEVER enter this game. If you want to macro everything to 1 button go play Rift. Part of this game is knowing what to use and when to use it. Macros are a crutch and not needed for skilled players, bads ones just want it to cover a lack of skill. Its the same thing a PvP gear, bads grind it out to pretend they are skilled because PvP gear is nothing but a crutch.

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What is this, year 2000? It's 2012 and if BW cannot come up with a simple Macro accessibility they stuck on o'l stupid. And for people to think that having macro is such a bad idea, why don't you people adopt? Shows the maturity of some of these folks that pretend they know MMO so well.


Regardless, I cannot get my hopes up. BW is slow correcting the wrongs in this game. The UI alone seem to be a struggle for them to fix. UI flexibility, animation scripting and clipping should have been perfected at launch. Why three months later we get a UI utility option? They can't even get GCD animation to come up right. Macro is not a priority at the moment, wish it was but very unlikely.


My marauder is fine with keybinding. Just make sure you prioritize your skills according to the keys you will frequently use. You should have similar set up for your Alternate character to make it second nature. I have no clue what prompt BW to make setting not carry through for your alternate characters but they did, and this shows their lack of experience in MMO genre.

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I never claimed to be. I'm just saying. After all my skills, med packs, relics, pvp stims, ect I have 36 Keybinds... Too many.


I would say that if you don't like it, you may just be playing the wrong class. Some people like to have lots of keybinds. That's about how many keybinds I have on my healing operative, and I would be really pissed if they changed my class to accommodate some wuss who doesn't want to have to manage a lot of keybinds.


Go play something else. The world doesn't revolve around you, so stop trying to convince people that they should learn to like what you like in terms of playstyle. There are plenty of classes that would let you get by with fewer binds. Go play one of them instead.

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Play another class if you dont like the number of keybinds. If keybinds are seriously an issue with "too many buttons" just try another class out instead. There are many different classes, explore them and find out what you like instead of picking up a class and complaining about a certain aspect of it. Not calling you out, just find a more enjoyable aspect of the game, thats all it comes down to. I love not having macros personally, because it forces you to think a lot more, therefore raising the skillcap. I'm all for competition of players, not half automated classes.
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I would say that if you don't like it, you may just be playing the wrong class. Some people like to have lots of keybinds. That's about how many keybinds I have on my healing operative, and I would be really pissed if they changed my class to accommodate some wuss who doesn't want to have to manage a lot of keybinds.


Go play something else. The world doesn't revolve around you, so stop trying to convince people that they should learn to like what you like in terms of playstyle. There are plenty of classes that would let you get by with fewer binds. Go play one of them instead.


Some might say if you don't like it, ask for it to be changed; if others don't like the change, maybe they can play another class. We all know the world does not revolve around the players who like it exactly the way it was introduced.



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Some might say if you don't like it, ask for it to be changed; if others don't like the change, maybe they can play another class. We all know the world does not revolve around the players who like it exactly the way it was introduced.




The point is that there are other classes to choose from. Why do they all have to be equivalent in terms of skill cap and number of keybinds required? Don't like it? Find something more suited to your preferences.



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