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Juggernaut Leveling Specs


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I've personally leveled up as Immortal. Starting out it has some rough patches and you're constantly needing to upgrade your gear to keep in shape to take hits. This is especially true for areas such as Voss.


If you know what you're doing, and use your abilities correctly, you can pretty much kill just about anything. Even champion level mobs with correct stims/med packs. You rely heavily on your companion for the DPS. So make sure they have gear too.


There is some skill involved, yes. Is it easy mode? No. I have another friend who tried doing the same and he complained and griped about it the entire time. To each their own I guess.


I see people doing the hybrid spec imm/veng. Never met anyone personally who leveled a jugg as pure dps. I'm sure there are lots out there though. :)

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I leveled to about 35 as immortal and then switched to Rage for the smash AoE spec. Honestly, IMO they're both fun. I felt like I lost some toughness when i switched to Rage, but I can still take some decent hits, and I can kill things a bit faster now too, mind you, I'm still in my tanking gear with shield/absorb and endurance and stuff on it, so I imagine if i actually took the time to swap out some mods I'd kill much faster. As for spots in FP's, just about 10 minutes ago I tanked Colicoid War Game in my Rage spec and did just fine, the healer was bored and started DPS'ing.


Honestly, give the different specs a try and see what you like. The Rage spec though isn't as useful until 50 you can get Force Crush, otherwise you're waiting almost a full minute between big smashes because of the CD on Force Choke. From my experience, Immortal was great for getting to ~35. Don't think I died once aside from stupid pulls and stuff.

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Can anyone offer me some leveling specs for Juggernaut?


Are the DPS tree's generaly the best?


Should I go tanking for extra protection along with spot in instances?


My guide up above is stickied with some advice and specs and what not :)

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Never met anyone personally who leveled a jugg as pure dps. I'm sure there are lots out there though. :)

Just hit level 40 on my Jugg alt. Pure vengeance this far :)


However.. i really dont know if its the most efficient way to do it, hehe


Quinn for healing is an absolute must. I dont do operations, nor do i PvP, so all my gear is crafted or picked up. I expect things to get far more difficult past Hoth, they usually do (my main, an IA sniper.. i "half slept" my way to level 50.. then on Ilum, first mobs i engage pwn me.. HARD, even though i had purple 49 mods in all my gear.. that sucked, hehe).

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Really, the only "requirement" is that you stick five points into Immortal for Battle Cry (free Scream after a Charge) and Enraged Sunder (+1 rage on Sundering Assault). Those two talents make such a huge difference while leveling it's unreal. You can't really fathom how much you gain from those two talents. Easily thousands of rage gained/saved over the course of 10-50.


The only time you should be without those talents is if you want to spec deep Rage or Vengy. Then when you hit 40 you will respec tp pick up the end-tier talents (Shatter or Force Crush) and then your next five levels you will put points back into Enraged Sunder and Battle Cry. What you do after you ding 50 is up to you, but I think it's safe to say that every single Jugg spec should be running 2/2 Enraged Sunder no matter what.

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Lvl 38 atm. Rage the whole way. I'm of the belief that all 3 specs pre 25ish are about the same anyways. I can say however that talented smashes on all those pesky mob packs while leveling is pretty damn boss and REALLY speeds things up. Leveling solo, I've had zero survivability issues with anything so long I keep quinn updated as well.
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