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A few combat medic questions.


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While you do get a flat bonus of 3% via CSC charges, they are best used as soon as they're up to throw the KB shield on the tank and the melee DPS, and, if you're good on ammo, perhaps throw an AMP to all members of the party (Assuming you have the talented HoT and Armor buff). You can even use it to do impressive burst DPS via CB spam if nobody really needs healing.
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When you have a 30 stack you get 3% buff to heal and damage. When you use the supercharge you get a base 10% boost to healing and damage. You should always try and maximize the usage of supercharge. Supercharge and drop the koltobomb shield on 3 allies and do it again just before the supercharge effect ends. The shield will last almost until you are supercharged again. Really helps reduce the amount healed when used correctly.


When I first started healing I would always save my supercharge for those oh crap moments...I have found the more I use supercharge though the less oh crap moments I have.

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