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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You broke Ilum


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Kills are not counting towards daily or weekly after patch and no valor is being awarded either. Terentatek server, yes we have the quests, yes we are in combat. It's also not isolated it's everyone who has been on this morning.
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Chests on Ilum now respawn less frequently to reduce potential gains from farming.

Particle Cannons can no longer be permanently disabled.

Implemented safeguards to address a Valor exploit.


It appears that gaining valor from kills was an exploit. LOL


Looks like these safeguards went too far.


I foresee an emergency patch in our future.

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Greetings everyone,


We understand that the situation on Ilum is one of high importance to many of our players. This conversation is already happening in the PvP section of our forums, so we invite you to continue the discussion there:




We will be closing this thread now. Thank you for your cooperation!

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