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Done with my sin (PvP)


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Well unfortunately that's balance for you. You're a hybrid class comparing yourself to a class(es) that has only one profession. A Sin shouldn't nor never deal as much damage as a Mar/Sent because then you just tip the scales to the other end - people end up discarding Mar/Sent instead because the Sin would perform better.


I don't know what to tell you. If your friends are kicking you out for some random pug whose class you envy, then you need to get new friends. If you are pugging it, well... find some friends.


What? We're a hybrid class somehow now? Just because our tree has another talent spec that isn't dps, doesn't mean classes with 3 dps trees have some right to do more damage. In an ideal world, all classes do as close as possible to the same dmg. That is of course much easier said than done, but dismissing our class as inherently sub par to others is ridiculous.

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Honestly, what the **** are you smoking? Don't even know where to start.


The 50% regen for 1 min is medicore, compared to a passive all the time increase that comes from doing dmg. If you have the darkness regen, you probably aren't doing much damage.


All I've been arguing is that madness is the best all around spec, if you can play it well. You dismissed the spec, with nonsensical arguements that miss the bigger picture. I've never said it's a pure melee spec, in fact if you play it well you'll be applying DF and dots from range to avoid getting damaged, then once all dots are on you unload with maul/thrash.


Dots v thrash. Yes a double crit thrash will do more damage than the dot, a 1 crit thrash probably won't do much more, and a no crit thrash will do the same or less. The value in the dots comes from being able to apply them from ranged and the passive healing and force regen. The dots, as I've previously said, synergise well with your abilties and the gain from using than is significantly higher than simply comparing tooltip dmg.


And really? Because I can play a spec well and better than you I'm blocking the stream of communication between you and BW. Do you actually believe the verbal garbage that comes outta your mouth (or fingers)? I actually am quite a fan of the changes they've made last patch, and I think they've done a pretty decent job. Deception is still garbage, and overall we might still be a little behind the other classes, but it's a start.


I've had significant success with 7/3/31, pretty much always top damage and top medals. On one of the most populated servers too, the swiftsure. I'm battlemaster (was rank 59 before illum patch), and I'm rank 66 now. So yeah I'm definitely under 50, your detective skills are top notch mate.


Think before posting next time, kid.


thank you for keeping it real in the forum <3 its ridiculesly easy to get around 600k damage loads of kills and low deaths if u play madness right

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You mean to tell me that this:


Is good? lolol


-Induction nerfed

-Speced into surging charge but...also speced into energize and dark ward.

-No chain shock


Its not a spec for good players because it's bad. If you can't see that you're probably bad at pvp. Sorry to break it to you.


I'm sure you're a nice guy irl.



Induction isn't for shock, it's for 30% maul crit damage. The nerf has almost no effect on this build since you really don't use shock very much. Having to take surging charge is no big deal since you have 1 point to throw away in that tree anyway. This spec does not use shock except as a low health finisher when assassinate is down. If you think every build needs chain shock you are extremely naive.



The point of the build is that stacked force regen (18.4/s out of stealth popping blackout) allows you to maul 4+ times (maul procs can proc on maul) to kill extremely quickly. It requires serious crit + surge stacking and clever use of consumables. This is not a spec to get high damage done on the WZ charts it is to kill **** dead in a matter of seconds. Dropping high value targets quickly is more important than nice numbers. The maul back arc is 180 degrees and you can maul even casters autofacing you if you know what you're doing.


The spec is actually for very good players because if you aren't good at playing your class and knowing tricks to maul in any situation you will fail. You also need to be good at recognizing high priority targets and knowing when to target switch.


I've now gone back to try full tank and while the overall DPS is higher I can't solo kill healers like I could with the other spec. Not sure which I'll go with in the long run.


Madness and Darkness full specs are pressure specs and lack the serious burst to take down targets that can heal or are being healed. Madness is nice against heavy armor targets since it incorporates lots of internal damage.


The 3 specs are all viable but really depend on playstyle; personally, I think any assassin not running dark charge is a free kill in PvP. Also once people start being spot on with cleansing effects (people really aren't at all right now) I think madness is going to have serious problems. Against madness sins I pop my force shroud once they have DoTs stacked and then destroy them.


Full deception is just too squishy and honestly the hybrid spec does just as much burst damage but with much better CC and survivability and less force problems.

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Just got a combo of stalker champ/cent gear today with focus off hand. These numbers are huge due to literally nonstop combat for the entire duration of the match (each team only had 1 node since no one could cap middle). Also had only three deaths so it was a lot of fighting. Wish I could have SS it for proof (tried print screen but its all black). Would use recklessness when I had energize up and used force lightning every time I had 3 harnessed darkness stacks. Ended WZ with 15 medals (10k from the 50k protection)


I call nonsense. You would have needed the defender medals to get 15 medals and if the middle was not taken as you suggest, then you wouldn't get defender medals. ;)

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I call nonsense. You would have needed the defender medals to get 15 medals and if the middle was not taken as you suggest, then you wouldn't get defender medals. ;)


I call read the whole thread before posting. I found the SS and posted it. From it you can see 17k or so objective (easily got 1k and 3k defender and it did count without ever capping the node - they call it defender medals but it is really just objective)

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I can get 12 medals and I don't use shockfrozen, so 3 healing medals are out of reach. The only hard medal to get is whether you want to donate 50K of your HP to protection, and it's easy to get that if you've an extended brawl situation (since you'd obviously have to have a healer worth guarding to fight that long). Outside of the 1on1 medal and 50K protection, all the other medals an Assassin can get are very easy to obtain.


Defender medals can be obtained by just fighting near the nodes and is generally trivial to get in Alderran. You'll probably never get them in Huttball (requires intercepting the ball) or Voidstar (no idea what's required there) which is why they seem hard to get.

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