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PvE'ing in PvP zone on Ilum?


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TL;DR at the bottom.


Okay, so I finally dinged my first character to R50, a Sith Assassin. (All you no-lifers who did it in 2 weeks can go take a bath!)


So... I thought, let's see what this Ilum is all about then. I grabbed all the daily & weekly quest, lots of them, yummy, and flew off to Ilum. Had a look at one daily quest, Cutting the Cord it said kill 30 opponents or collect 30 armaments. Hmmm?


Now, I am a PvP player by heart. A Warhammer Online fan till the Devs gave up on it 3 years ago, and although this game was buggy, the Open RvR was awesome and I often enjoyed the epic warband versus warband fights. Never played WoW, so don't start!

But my guild in Eve Online chose to join a RP server, so that is where I ended up and maybe what I witnessed below, doesn't happen on Pve or PvP servers.


Right, I finally made it to the middle objective in the PvP zone of Ilum and saw a handful of players scooting around searching for these randomly spawning armament cases. I grabbed one, and so my quest said 1/30.


Then... I saw an opponent whiz passed on his speeder. I went in to stealth and went around the other way. Thinking that I'll catch him and jump him as he comes by this big tank. Whilst watching, I saw a friendly heading towards him from the opposite direction. Excellent I thought, 2 on to 1, easy money!

Any second now.... and then the two of them passed by each other and continued speeding around! Huh? Then I looked around, and all around this middle objective were 6 players. 3 from each side, all just happily going around in circles trying to find armament cases to loot.

***!? So I mentioned in local chat doesn't anyone fight here. And one guy replied to say that there's sort of a gentlemen's agreement to leave each other be and just collect cases.


ARGGHHHHHHHHHHH! Once again developers cater to the lazy easy-moders! Why on earth do the daily quests promote PvE'ing in a PvP zone!? Of course all these former 'massive generic PvE MMO' players are going to chose clicking on a case instead of fighting someone. Can't have anything that can't be scripted or not predictable.


BIOWARE, PLEASE PROMOTE PVP in the PvP areas by drastically increasing the PvE requirements of quests instead of making them equal.


p.s. And for the irony, as I was discussing this sad state of affairs in local chat with this other player, a Jedi Consular jumped me and killed me.


p.p.s Last night I went back to centre of Ilum and saw FIGHTS! I joined in and quickly we had a 3 man party up ripping through several solo crate farmers from the other side. Guess what happened when we wiped them several times? They came back as a group and went ballistic on us 3. SEE what happens!!!


PROMOTE PVP in PvP areas!!




TL;DR - Change daily quests so that they promote PvP in PvP areas, not PvE'ing. Daily quests like Cutting the Cord should be changed to read "Kill 10 opponents or collect 100 armaments."

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a lot of people pvp for all the wrong reasons



1) warzones - mainly to finish their daily/weekly and grab some valor/commendations as a bonus


2) ilum - kill 30/150 to finish off their daily/weekly. if they stay longer it's mainly for the valor



it's sad that pvping needs incentive different than the fun of pvping.


it's just a pure gear grind for many (and then they complain that there is nothing to do... well if you pvped to battlemaster and it was like a work, did you really think that when you get battlemaster - it will suddenly become fun to you?)





a real pvper would never have a "gentleman agreement" so he could pick up armaments in peace... he would tear up those enemies or died trying

Edited by FoxNemhauser
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I don't know why MMO Developers concentrate on making it always a gear grind. I know it keeps the money coming in from a lot of sad e-peeners. Just make ONE top end set of gear, that's it! Then put all those developer resources in making great places to fight instead.

Warhammer Online thought it would keep players interested by introducing rank 100 gear. But that just made the gear gap even more rediculous and many players, like myself, gave up since nothing worthwhile was added to the world. Just über gear.


Bioware should concentrate on better PvP zones, warzones etc.


I just want to fight! And fight against great opponents in equal gear, who also enjoy the mass fights. Not grind for the best gear so I can 3-shot newcomers and make YouTube vids.



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Sorry that Ilum is that bad on your server OP. What I don't understand is why they would do that; all those people would probably get their daily/weekly done faster if they just killed each other instead of farming armaments. :confused:


It's not like that on all servers, on mine we at least kill each other. Usually we have to do it in a choke point since imps outnumber us 3:1. Sometimes we push them and wipe their whole group. It can actually be quite enjoyable when that happens.

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