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Empire - Republic Ratio : Cmon guys, dont make the faction fiasco happen again.


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But... according to everyone else's arguements. Rolling the "bad guy" faction is the norm.


Yep - and that's the result of exactly the phenomenon I'm talking about. Most of these edgies don't know they're in the mainstream, and would probably be less inclined to roll bad-guy if they did. :p

Edited by TheHarmless
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@TheHarmless, for me it is more the Jedi Code is morally reprehensible to me. Enslaving species to the will of some bacteria living in your body, forgoing attachments and denying romantic love, taking children from their parents so they won't care 'too much about them.' The Sith code, at least the short version, doesn't necessitate you being evil and kicking puppies. You be true to yourself.


Very well said, I was trying to think of how to put that thought from my head into words. Again.. very well said.

I can relate on a very similar level with you here.

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uummmm wow horde were not bad in WoW you freakin clown they were both just sides dump small brained people just think becouse they were not the humens they were bad they were not any more of less evil then the ally i was 100% horde but im going to be 100% republic in this i hate the side with more people so meany dumb people on the larger side, my realm horde were not the biger side i know on some realms they were tho


Are you 12 or 13? Stay in school kiddo, you need it.

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Very well said, I was trying to think of how to put that thought from my head into words. Again.. very well said.

I can relate on a very similar level with you here.


Guys you can break the Jedi code if you want to


: Terentek


16 sage

16 shadow

15 commando

12 vanguard

8 gunslinguer

6 scoundrel

12 guardian

9 sentinel



50 jugger

43 marauder

46 assassin

62 sorc

33 operative

23 sniper

29 powertech

36 merc


: Crubicele


25 sage

16 shadow

27 guardian

10 sentinel

20 vanguard

23 commando

15 scoundrel

15 gunslinger



26 jugger

29 marauder

54 assassin

49 sorc

11 powertech

39 merc

22 sniper

19 operative


here are some numbers i reserched, as you can see not all servers are that bad, but many of them represent what ive found on Teren, and will make rolling a republic toon very painfull.


i have not found a single server where the oposite happens, but i imagine it is possible, i played years on a horde dominated server and it was no fun, and yes i rolled alliance for all the people sayng i should take my own advice.


I do

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Nah, the reason is most likely inherited from WoW. People think that the mature guys go Sith, and the kids go Republic. It's a self supporting spiral.


you really think this started with WoW ? this was very noticable back in 1999 on Everquest pvp servers. I'm not understanding all these references to WoW unless all those referencing WoW are around 15 years old and/or never knew there were more MMO's before WoW.

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To OP: I just hope you are a fellow Republic player, and not just one more of the mass of Empire players who just realized that rolling the 'FOTM faction' will result in huttball and nothing else for you when it comes to WZs.


Anakin/Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Boba Fett (the so called bad guys) have been always more interesting, popular, 'kewl' than any of the Republic side, especially with younger populations.

Just look how many DarhtWhatever you can find on this forum.


Some people might consider the jedi code/Republic 'code of conduct' as too restricting for playing as they want (damn, I am too old to play games at all and felt bad while trying to play a dark sided jedi only during beta:() whereas the bad guys can do what they want ... (ofc you can do it as Republic too).


Sith inquisitor animations beat consular ones, BH looks cooler than Trooper (imo only ofc), but I'll stick to Republic as I didn't wanted to be limited to huttball alone when it comes to WZs, nor did I want to being unable to see anythnig because the areas are overcrowded.


Ofc I plan to play at least all for classes on Empire side too, however, just for the story part and not planning to stick to them at all once done with it.

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Trouble is who would want to be a Jedi they simply are not cool watch the movies Jedi normally want to two vs one against Sith while the Sith will fight two vs one and not be ************ cry babies about it Jedi are cowards and Sith are cool end of story.


On a more serious note it would be great to have a balance between Imperial and Republic but I really do not see the apeal of the Republic side sure you say Jedi can be evil they are in the original films too they are dark jedi and they side with the Imperials so if you wanted to be a Dark Jedi why would you even be Repiublic

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I also support/believe this theory to be true. Just think. As kids, what are we taught? Good triumphs over evil. So of course kids first instincts will be to roll Republic to be "Good" since they are depicted as the victors in the movies and that's what they can relate to.


I already knew the Empire was going to be the more popular choice, and it has absolutely nothing to do with what kids are "taught."


Darth Vader is just the most popular character from the movies. Thus, people will play empire.

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Sith on sith violence not allowed?


Seriously now, thats the way it will go. I haven't seen MMORPGs where the whole concept of factional warfare on a grand scale works. Best example of the worst execution of that is Aion, either Ely complettelly steamrolls Asmo, or other way round, there is no middle ground.

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Things will even out. I don't know if this is intended, but you can make characters on both side on the same server? Seems kinda silly to me, but at the same time, this could help with balance...as players can reroll and not have any worries about losing their empire characters.
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isnt that a thing about star wars though? the republic/good guys/jedi are supposed to overcome incredible odds and to be out numbered and still manage to kick ***. the Empire are supposed to have vast numbers and power. makes the game more exciting when youre outnumbered/out gunned.
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you really think this started with WoW ? this was very noticable back in 1999 on Everquest pvp servers. I'm not understanding all these references to WoW unless all those referencing WoW are around 15 years old and/or never knew there were more MMO's before WoW.


No kidding, just look up the story of the bravest hero the good team ever knew, Fansy the Famous Bard. :cool:


Fansy's story

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Basicly from what i have seen on several servers is that there is an Alarming number of players on the empire, i did a couple of /who's and got some really disturbinb numbers.


on most servers the numbers of the Sith Inquistor players are higher then of all Jedi Classes combined.


Roll repubilc guys, i want good competitive World PvP that dosent require BW to scale people atributes on those zones to make it up for it



PS: you can be EVIL as an Jedi (this seems to be why people roll empire)


People rolled empire because the class stories are better. They really didn't do Republic any favors with their generally anemic class stories.

Edited by Mannic
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The real problem is, by now, everyone knows all the serious PvPers are playing Empire.

Most players I have come across on my Republic alt are the ultimate carebears, I have no idea why they rolled on a PvP server. Probably to grief the handful of people that chose to play republic on a PvP server consciously, who knows.


That's not all of it though... I mean, who wants to be a boring trooper with boring animations, boring companions and a boring storyline when you can be a ****** Bounty Hunter, awesome animations, companions and story included?


Same goes for all the other classes aswell, why be a ridiculous looking smuggler enjoying the worst combat animations and some of the most boring companions in the game when you might as well be a ****** operative with all the epicness included in that package?


As far as PvP servers go Bioware has missed out to make the Republic more appealing to the right people. Open PvP in this game is effectively over before it even began.

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People rolled empire because the class stories are better. They really didn't do Republic any favors with their generally anemic class stories.


What I've played of the inq class story is just laughably bad. It's nothing more than hurt this guy to prove to me you aren't soft. I think the consular story is better so far, but I wouldn't mind trying some of the other empire stories, and in all fairness, it's possible the inq story gets better. :cool:

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Do you really think things will even out? In no MMO with two warring factions I've played so far did that happen. Mostly, the differences became more and more pronounced over time, until one side dominated so utterly that the other side had no fun playing.


A system with three warring factions makes for a much better balance. But, granted, that's hard for a game set in the SW universe.


That's one reason, by the by, why I picked a PvE server over PvP.

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I think the whole "Empire has mature players while Republic has the kiddies" is totally false.


On my server (Iron Citadel) Republic chat is generally pretty laid back and helpful while Empire chat is full of trolling. It's like /b/ all decided to roll up Sith on my server. They're also pretty obnoxious in Warzones with /spitting on everyone and spamming insults in /say.


If anything, I think the Empire draws a lot of the angsty teenage trolls.



Also, to the people who say that the population imbalance is only temporary and everyone will go Republic within a month. I'll believe that when I see it. My WoW server was horde heavy for years and my Warhammer server was the same.

Edited by Barakus
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Do you really think things will even out? In no MMO with two warring factions I've played so far did that happen. Mostly, the differences became more and more pronounced over time, until one side dominated so utterly that the other side had no fun playing.


The problem with TOR is the game is pretty much already there, even though it just launched. I have never played a game before where the imbalance in numbers between factions was as pronounced as in this game - when it comes to PvP servers. On PvE and especially RP servers Republic has strong numbers of course for obvious reasons.

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