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Space Stations, Elevators, and other little annoyances


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Posting my thoughts on a few things that I've noticed to really suck some of the fun out of the game, If you've notice some others post away.


(space stations) - why do we have them? they contribute nothing but wasted time.

I find the focus on "realism" to be nice and all, but do we really need to land on space stations all the time, just to go onto a planet? Really? it seems like such a waist of time and memory.

Oh look a long pointless loading screen, guess i can go grab a soda, (4min pass)

Crap a Space Station, erg... Walking walking walking, Click, (brief load)

walk walk walk Click, (another brief load)

Walk walk walk Click (another 2-4 Load)

ok... now I'm on the planet... where i wanted to be... why couldn't i have just gone here to begin with? what was with all that busy work and extra loading for anyway? And why do i have to go there if there's nothing there but a stupid medical droid and maybe 1 quest giver? couldn't they have been put at a landing pad... on the planet... so i wouldn't have all this extra crap to deal with every time i want to go some where? sheesh.


(elevators) oh my freaking god really?

seriously workman's comp wont cover 316 broken bones, Lura Croft wants her game gimick back. put up a rail or something, how about a little paint on the floor or something. that says "HEY! i know it looks like you can walk here, but you can't, you'll freaking die if you come any closer" there are some places where. you just walk through a hyperlink door and fall to your death. WHO DOES THAT!?!?! "hey phil, check this out, I'm going to put an elevator shaft just inside the door way so the exterior of the building hides this Giant arse hole in the floor... you with me?, alright, now... I'm going to dig this sucker 10,000 feet deep, and put a non-controllable lift in that moves up and down at the speed of a snail." uhhm... "sounds good to me bob!"



that should be enough.

Ok so constructively I'd like to petition here and now for a MUTE button for that droid. If i were in a starwars pnp rpg, My jedi would have already removed his vocabulator and stranded him on naboo to suffer in torment forever, with the gungans.


It's like having a flamboyantly gay roommate, that you know you really wouldn't mind so much if he'd just leave you alone to do your own thing, but instead he keeps bothering you, reminding you that your peace and tranquility could be broken at any time by needed pillow fluffing and perfuming of your ship, or I know, lets all eat organic food tonight because we're all getting fat! Can not just trade him to that farmer on tattooine that was crying to the jawa about the broken protocol droid? I'll take him!

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Agree with you on space stations and elevators, they are both quite annoying. I do like when my droid tells me I am looking fit and deadly though.


Reverse engineering would be my number 1 fun sucking leech that exists only to waste enormous amounts of time and credits, but there are already plenty of threads about that elsewhere. Running hour long missions and making things with 30 min craft times just to break them apart, then repeat that about 25+ times to get 1 random schematic that you probably don't even want...I'd rather fall down an elevator shaft and die.

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beam me up scotty!!

i coulndt agree more on the space stations issue, it just makes the game boring, its pointless and very annoying. at least give us the chance to use mounts on certain areas, like the space stations and shuttle zones that are unecessarly spacious just to have a couple of vendors and a mission giver or 2!


i hope they really do major changes in the near future. the zone system is just a disaster, it isolates people so much and gives the sensation of a low population even if the server is fairly populated.


on a side note....im also really depressed with my republic char beeing in a unbalanced (population wise) server i just want to get him out of there to another server ASAP but the prob is that this char is in a US server and i want it in a EU server, u guys think that will b possible if the server transfers become available? what about faction change? will it be possible too?

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