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Hybrid Assassin Nerf today


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Would love to see a picture of that.






This was two quick easy ones that I already had SSed on my computer.

I could easily get 300k + 75+ and 50+ if i stepped up my game and tried NOT winning a warzone just farming medals instead.

Edited by AnimalPotential
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I understand the OP's plight, but you have to see from BW's view. A full spec tree should REALLY shine because a person invest at least 31 points into it. Why should a hybrid get the best of both world and do BETTER than a pure spec?


It reminds me of the old days of Bards (the old activision game) that you can have pure class which can be pretty powerful or you can have a hybrid class (a bard) which can dabble into a lot of things and pretty power in the beginning, but in the end can't be just as good as pure class.


I know it is a concept that some players don't want to accept, but I think that is what BW is heading.


I'm thinking that BW is trying to strengthen the pure class (31 points spec) and balance it out. I personally do play a hybrid because it is more powerful than pure class (in some cases)

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I understand the OP's plight, but you have to see from BW's view. A full spec tree should REALLY shine because a person invest at least 31 points into it. Why should a hybrid get the best of both world and do BETTER than a pure spec?


It reminds me of the old days of Bards (the old activision game) that you can have pure class which can be pretty powerful or you can have a hybrid class (a bard) which can dabble into a lot of things and pretty power in the beginning, but in the end can't be just as good as pure class.


I know it is a concept that some players don't want to accept, but I think that is what BW is heading.


I'm thinking that BW is trying to strengthen the pure class (31 points spec) and balance it out. I personally do play a hybrid because it is more powerful than pure class (in some cases)


It should be a matter of playstyle, and it is!

That simple.

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I don't know why people act like high protection numbers obtained via Guard is some kind of good thing. Unless you never PvP without the best merc healer on your server, it's generally detrimental to waste your HPs guarding a healer when you can simply just kill anyone who might be attacking your healer instead. Usually 20K is a reasonable number to shoot, and any more than that you're obviously guarding someone and that person better be a Merc healer.


If you never died, you usually heal about 40K from Dark Charge in a full 15 minutes game. More than that would come from med packs/other consumables. Healing from DF isn't that significant and prior to 1.1.2, it's very DPS-inefficient to build 3 stacks of HD so you're just gimping yourself for better heal numbers.


DPS numbers are fairly meaningless though I almost always have top of my team as 31/0/10 except in dominant efforts versus Sorcs/Mercs on the same team, who are pretty much always top DPS in a dominant effort (because if they were never pressured they're still better DPS than us).

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This screen shot must have been taken a while ago, since there's no conceivable way that you could get a 5k+ heal without using a medpack... and medpacks no longer produce healing medals.


That being said, this looks like a darkness/madness hybrid. I clicked on your sig link and I see that you use Stalker gear, which makes sense. I'm betting that makes all the difference, so I'll start collecting some stalker gear, as well.




He uses the water - so after that's fixed that would have been a 12 medal game. And if it was huttball and not cival war it would have been 10 medals.


Nothing too crazy. Though I can't get the 300k medal no matter what I do.

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I Rerolled today....BW totally Killed all my Ideas of Specs today.


I was a 23/0/18 spec...totally Useless now. Stancechange infight: Impossible now to react on different Fight-Situations.


i dont know if i will play that game another month..sadly..it was fun.

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I understand the OP's plight, but you have to see from BW's view. A full spec tree should REALLY shine because a person invest at least 31 points into it. Why should a hybrid get the best of both world and do BETTER than a pure spec?


It reminds me of the old days of Bards (the old activision game) that you can have pure class which can be pretty powerful or you can have a hybrid class (a bard) which can dabble into a lot of things and pretty power in the beginning, but in the end can't be just as good as pure class.


I know it is a concept that some players don't want to accept, but I think that is what BW is heading.


I'm thinking that BW is trying to strengthen the pure class (31 points spec) and balance it out. I personally do play a hybrid because it is more powerful than pure class (in some cases)


The obvious issue with this is why is hybrid better then? It's because the full 31 point trees are rather poor for the Assassin.

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He uses the water - so after that's fixed that would have been a 12 medal game. And if it was huttball and not cival war it would have been 10 medals.


Nothing too crazy. Though I can't get the 300k medal no matter what I do.


Not that i matter But would be 12 w/o water 50k proc is easy i'm huttball same goes for 1k def

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I know the new EA'd Bioware doesn't give a rat's ***** about one single player while rolling in wads of cash. However since I am provided the opportunity to voice my opinion let me voice mine. I simply can't believe the changes that were made to my class. In one foul nerfbatting update my character who wasn't a stock DPS build pvper was completely nerfed to uselessness. Points I invested in Madness, were made completely useless to me today.


Bioware took a build I was really pleased with, a build that was not optimal but playable requiring skill to even come close to the optimal damage build and has given me a really stark choice. Either I become the vanilla FoTM build or I find a new class to play. To say I am disappointed really doesn't cut it. My build wasn't the problem, Icouldn't spam tracer missile and *** pwn people. I couldn't rely on 4-5 skills, I had to use a wide range of skills and it was fun to play. This is why I can't understand this, why pull the rug from under players who weren't the problem. If I could understand why, I would be better understanding the decision but right now I see nothing but silence from the team. Why did you gut the Madness tree for assassins? Why did you make this change? What was the problem? Why are you not giving me a way out now that you nerfed me to uselessness? Why did you make such a high level investment, and a bread and butter skill worthless now to a ASSASSIN?!? I want to know what was so imbalancing Bioware that you had to take my non vanilla build that I had to work hard on to offer as much as the vanilla dps build away from me.

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Since yellow closed the other post about Sin tanking, I'll respond here like a good boy, I suppose.


I too notice a incredible increase in damage. 3 silver mobs would knock me dangerously low, and i'm talking 10% HP. 3 silver mobs in Directive 7's first 5 minutes are knocking a tank with 25k HP down to 2k as of today. Before, I'd never get knocked down below 15-20k.


Responses such as, "your healer is bad", "l2p" etc, are not warranted. The 4 of us run together on a nightly basis, clearing every HM we can in 5 hours. Been doing this for 2-3 weeks now, and tonight felt like I was tanking with greens on back in the beginning of January. I had to blow a Relic, cooldowns, and a rakata health potion just to stay alive.



I wasn't going to post on the forums today because I thought it may just be my imagination. However, others seem to be having this issue.


Nothing in the patch notes said anything about Sin tanking survivability taking a decline, only the improvement with Wither/Harnessed Darkness.


Will a yellow care to elaborate on any stealth fixes or unintended changes since the 1.1.2 patch went live? Thank you!

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One of the "stealth" nerfs that they put in was making Raze completely useless to Assassins. It does not proc anymore for assassins period. I tried using lightning yesterday and nothing. I honestly have no damn clue why even we have the opportunity to invest points in it either anymore as it no longer compliments saber wielding assassins at all. It seems to me that this tree is now strictly a sorceror tree, it is no longer a compliment to Assassins who wish to wield a lightsaber and want to melee with one.
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I Rerolled today....BW totally Killed all my Ideas of Specs today.


I was a 23/0/18 spec...totally Useless now. Stancechange infight: Impossible now to react on different Fight-Situations.


i dont know if i will play that game another month..sadly..it was fun.


Agree 100%..


Nerfing GAMEPLAY is one the worst things u can do in a mmo... retarded.

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I don't know why people act like high protection numbers obtained via Guard is some kind of good thing. Unless you never PvP without the best merc healer on your server, it's generally detrimental to waste your HPs guarding a healer when you can simply just kill anyone who might be attacking your healer instead. Usually 20K is a reasonable number to shoot, and any more than that you're obviously guarding someone and that person better be a Merc healer.


If you never died, you usually heal about 40K from Dark Charge in a full 15 minutes game. More than that would come from med packs/other consumables. Healing from DF isn't that significant and prior to 1.1.2, it's very DPS-inefficient to build 3 stacks of HD so you're just gimping yourself for better heal numbers.


DPS numbers are fairly meaningless though I almost always have top of my team as 31/0/10 except in dominant efforts versus Sorcs/Mercs on the same team, who are pretty much always top DPS in a dominant effort (because if they were never pressured they're still better DPS than us).


Last night guarding a sorcerer healer, 160k Dmg Protection, 150k Dmg Done, 30k healing myself. All as 31 deep into darkness.

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Look honestly there are way to many rage posts. I mean don;t get me wrong it was fantastic when raze procced and I could cast CD but that was far from the main strength of the build. The hybrid darkness madness build is still alive and extremely strong even without raze and CD.


Just tonight a battlemaster shadow attempted to gank me 5 times in ilum and i even let him open and vanish and use the dumb pure frozenwater crap...he still was unable to to take me and had to run like a ******** every time and I was not once worried about death. The farthest down he got me was 65% health and i didnt even use my stim or medpac.


Hybrid spec is still here and still very very strong.

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Bioware obviously want there to be a penalty for stance dancing, and they obviously thought 50 focus on a 100 (or 110 if decep) wasn't enough, this is what I propose. Some of you may recognize this mechanic.


When changing charge, drain all energy. No energy requirement. By all means give us the penalty of not being able to change without a severe drawback - hell we are going to be useless until we regen. But we should have the option to change on the fly. In PvE - if the tank dies close to a boss kill, know what I do? Change charge and taunt the tank and hope to god we get it down before I get smashed.

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