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Do you honestly feel like <insert class here>


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I think they really undersold the storyline mechanics of each class


honestly do you bounty hunters and smugglers, troopers, jedi and etc,,, feel like you are those characters?


it's like having a story told to you


rather than actually doing it



this is a game isn't it?

Edited by SkateOnTrees
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I felt quite a bit like a diplomat Consular, having to settle disputes and things on various planets. Was quite pleased with her storyline.


Having fun with the Smuggler line as well, although chasing after a certain someone for 3 acts is getting a bit tiresome...


Knight, so far... 26 levels in and am kind of WTFing at it all. Seems kind of bland, to me.

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Every choice I made as a smuggler was my choice, every path I took was mine.

Yeah, I felt immersed.


Having fun with the Smuggler line as well, although chasing after a certain someone for 3 acts is getting a bit tiresome...


I kinda feel like that entire section is supposed to be annoying.

You have to get fighting-mad before you get involved, otherwise there's no reason you'd bother.

Edited by nightchrome
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I'm having a ball on the Sith Warrior story. There's betrayal and intrigue up the wazoo. While it seems rather predictable (it is Star Wars, after all) I'm having a wonderful time playing it through.


I also really enjoyed what I had gotten out of the IA and BH story so far.

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I felt quite a bit like a diplomat Consular, having to settle disputes and things on various planets. Was quite pleased with her storyline.


Having fun with the Smuggler line as well, although chasing after a certain someone for 3 acts is getting a bit tiresome...


Knight, so far... 26 levels in and am kind of WTFing at it all. Seems kind of bland, to me.


Knight I found the worst.


The Main-Villain seems so bland. He's basically a politician. Doesn't exactly scream "This guy is a ******!".


Knight should have used someone like Nilius/Malek. Nilius was a silent killer, if he was written by good writers instead of Obsidian (No offence to Ob fans) he would have been amazing. But he still gave off that "Please go away" feeling. He was scary.


Malek gave off a "I'm crazy, I'll **** YOU up, blow up your home planet, and raise your kids as my Sith slaves". He was a more in your face villain, but one that actually felt evil and threatening.


Currently in my Knight story-line, I just feel.. Meh. This guy sucks.

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<3 spacebar <3


I am jealous. I bought the CE. Wish I would have saved my $. Crappy in game items. I really didn't expect much. Mostly wanted the vehicle, it just didn't dawn on me, that I wouldn't be able to use it for so long.

Edited by Khyler
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