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Give Bioware a break for now!


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The game is MASSIVE, it's been in development for years, it's got more voice acting than 7 year vets like everquest2 will EVER see. It does have a few things that could be bettered with it but I've already seen from videos that several of those are already being worked on in a patch that will be implemented within a month. When trying to cover a LOT of ground in a relatively short time-frame, sometimes it's simply not possible to get everything perfect.


Edit: people are flaming this post with no reasoning whatsoever, I already made my "this is my beef" posts and those got flamed. If you're going to flame, make up your damn mind of who's side you're on!


Massive? Please. Every planet is nothing more than a linear series of fedex quests designed to be timesinks. Not to mention, everything feels like a tunnel, and due to instancing, you scarcely see another player. Getting on and off planets is a chore, and ruins immersion by the volume of loading screens. Honestly, who gives a crap about voice acting when core mechanics are broken all to hell?


Voice acting is what should of been the icing on a spectacularly crafted cake, instead we get this. This isn't even taking into account the things that made it to live and shouldn't, or should have been part of the game when it shipped and weren't. I took my time to 50, I didn't get bored of the "blah blah kill 15 x mob, 10 special x mob and 1 boss mobs because blah blah" quests until about 30, when I started spamming the spacebar ( minus the class quests). Voice acting isn't going to make up for the fact that they're still fedex quests. Now, instead of just getting the quest and running off to do it, I have to waste time spacebarring through dialogue. Oh, and alts? I'm for damned sure not listening to that crap all over again.


These are just a few annoyances about SWTOR, I could write a novel with what everyone has said on these forums. Bioware claimed innovation, and what we got was voice acting. End game is buggy and uninspired. PVP is pretty much a ranged fragfest with more CC than any two MMOs combined. On that matter, I think Bioware ignored any and all advances made in MMO PVP in the last 10 years.


Anyways, rant off. I gave them a month to acknowledge, if not fix, the many glaring issues with this game. They got 75$, good on them. That's all they're getting from me.

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... the game is not an MMO, and never will be.



Before SWTOR, I've never seen people all of a sudden come up with their own definition of an MMO. I played wow for years. Was that not an MMO? Because if it was, I fail to see what it has that SWTOR doesn't have (understanding that wow has 7 years more content).


If wow isn't an MMO, then what the heck is?

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Before SWTOR, I've never seen people all of a sudden come up with their own definition of an MMO. I played wow for years. Was that not an MMO? Because if it was, I fail to see what it has that SWTOR doesn't have (understanding that wow has 7 years more content).


If wow isn't an MMO, then what the heck is?


The more interesting and weird question is


Why are so many people questioning if it's an MMO?


I think the conundrum is that a lot (not all, but a lot) of the people who really like the game are basically extolling all these virtues that have ZERO do with the normal perception of an MMO.


"Story! Voice Acting! Beautiful Landscapes! Intricate companions!" they say.


"PVP, Raids, gear, textures, lootz, and fluid combat" the normal MMO'ers say.


It's just a disconnect.

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If they allow us to pay 0 sub for a few months sure they can have "a break". but no, we are paying for them to get off their asses and give us an enjoyable product, which they seem to not care about at the moment.


Not only do they charge us 50 bucks to buy the game, but we also need to pay for their mistakes. Such a great customer service!

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Clunky interface, walking/running for 30% of time, constant patches, piss poor customer relations, over-zealous forum 'champions', load screens every 5 minutes, 10 stage trip from planet to planet....

I have actually gone back to WOW and guess what - it has NONE of these problems and neither should a brand new game released in December 2011!

You can make excuses but this game is a massive fail...

Edited by Bragar
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I waited for this game for roughly about 3 yrs maybe longer (when i heard about it) all hyped when it was coming to release, 5 weeks maybe less (with a break a good few break days) i'd completed everything possible in the game to do at level 50 :/ (hm's/op's/10k rep/pvp/crafting) I could go into detail on each but it'll be a TL;DR post. Found myself hopping around the fleet doing nothing! Eventually myself and my friends all decided it wasnt worth a sub fee to play a game that feels like a beta, I liked the levelling up i cant knock it more interesting than a solid grind but making toons over and over isnt my idea of having fun i like multiplayer games not single player games with some co-op... I'll keep checking in hoping for a massive amount of content or some original end game ideas to be added (free roam space combat PVP) till then my sub will remain cancelled!
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Look, I'm totally the first one to bash a company for not getting things right the first time, but I'm not seeing a lot of positive comments on these forums at all.


Think you answered your own question there


Fact: This game is incomplete, Bioware has maned up and admitted that.


You have a link of this? I must have missed it


Fact: The reason this game is incomplete is NOT because of the makers of the game being slack half-arsed or slow in the head.


Fact: The reason this game is incomplete is because some ***** CEO pushed it to the shelves before it was ready for release. Probably because they aren't making a whole lot of money while the game sits in development.


Yeah your right there is no way that all this couldnt be done in 1/2 the time that they were allowed. Also when investing 200million dollars or more on a product its always good to send out a unfinished product to the market. Thats the best way to make money.


Fact: If the developers had their word on it, games would not be released until they were fully complete, tested, and playable in all aspects.


You get paid to do a job in a timely manner. You cant sit on your butt for 5 years and take all the money and then come and say well its not ready so we need another 2 years and 100 million to finish it. All you are doing is making up an excuse for lousy work.


Opinion: Give the devs a few months before barfing all over them about how the game is crap on release. If the game progress stops dead flat in that time frame then have atter!


OK and you stop praising them for the greatest game in the world when you said even they admitted it was incomplete. We expected a finished product and would have accepted some bugs and problems but instead we got a first draft product with tons of problems that was not woth 60 dollars and a 15 month sub.


Please sticky this because people need to stop and take a look at all the good things that Bioware has done for this game and has planned for this game before making flame-posts about quitting the game before it's been given a fighting chance.


NO sticky for you.


What Bioware needs to do is fix the major problems in the game asap and also continue working on the minor issues and make sure everyone in the game has something to do. Thats what they need to do to stop the Im quitting this game sucks post. They can put up 10 blogs on what they are looking to do but how about some real action instead of just the same old talk.

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Hi there!


While we appreciate the support and the positive attitude, we do try to limit threads centered around community commentary as they typically lead to flame-wars and other types of unconstructive content. With that in mind, we have closed this thread.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.


Those with complaints or suggestions are, as always, welcome and encouraged to visit the following threads to share their thoughts.


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