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Light saber Crystals


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Blue/Yellow/Green/Red/Orange- Drops, Crafted, rewards


Purple - Empire Side PVP Champion, Columni Raid gear

Red/Black - Empire PVP Battlemaster, Rakata Raid Gear

Magenta - World Drop


Cyan - Republic PVP Champion Equiv, Columni Raid Gear

Blue/Black - Republic PVP Battlemaster Equiv, Rakata Raid Gear


Yellow/Black - Pre-Order


White - Not ingame yet

Black - Not found/not ingame yet.

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Magenta is not technically a world drop. Its crafted from a pattern that can drop from 2 world bosses (its also the only craftable power crystal atm, for those non-tanks that don't like crit). Thats why you find them on the AH, btw.


The crystal needed for crafting is actually unique (but the end product isn't) and requires you to travel to 3 planets and kill a champion mob.


Again all of this is a sticky in the crew skills forum, with very in depth guides to them all.

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