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Marauders Need Work Seriously


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From my opinion...


Annih - viable in both pve and pvp

carnage - hardly viable in PUG pvp, acceptable in premades for control. thats it.

rage - hur dur smash spec. big numbers, keep your ADD in check. easy to counter.


Annih - the "backloaded" burst from this tree is acceptable dmg. if i can survive long enough to get my full rotation off people melt. not my preference in play style, but this tree is by far the most consistent for success IMO.


Carnage - this spec has the right idea for front loaded burst but actually fails in it IMO. the burst it puts out is weak...3 seconds of DOTs rolling easily pass the burst. scream should hit harder consistently, ravage needs a tweak for this tree (in both dmg and/or CC susceptibility), massacre buff needs rework, all in all squishy as hell. Love the play style tho.


Rage - this is the spec for those that are "under geared" and wanna see good numbers. competitively, i wont let 1 smash hit me 1v1 -ever-. easy to counter, the burst is charged...but the burst is there. Leave Rage for Juggers IMO.


this class is far too easy to CC in group PVP, but our sustain/survivability is there with a good group. I'll even go so far as to say..in clutch moments not 1 class can out-do our survivability. but its not sustained survive in most cases...we're squishy as ****.


unleash should be...lowered. Period. Wont say to what number but it should be lowered. We should have some sort of skill that bypasses CC for x seconds. (this skill should be unavailable while carrying Hutt-Ball, as should alot of skills in this game. ).


Just my 2 cents


[edit] oh carnage - ataru is bugged in PVE or some ****. doesn't hit on big mobs or something i read up on.

Edited by ShwagATK
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Ataru procs are bugged due to hitbox. It's not that they don't proc, its just that you need to be closer to the boss for it to proc, which can be problematic for fights where you need to run away during a bosses aoe move, ie, less room for timing error.


As for rage, I have yet to find someone that can consistently keep me off them, my smashes rarely miss.

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Ataru procs are bugged due to hitbox. It's not that they don't proc, its just that you need to be closer to the boss for it to proc, which can be problematic for fights where you need to run away during a bosses aoe move, ie, less room for timing error.


As for rage, I have yet to find someone that can consistently keep me off them, my smashes rarely miss.


cloak the first one, predation the 2nd one. gg by then you should have killed him 2 times over. i know some will make smash less telegraphed but* an equally skilled play can clutch out an obvious smash

Edited by ShwagATK
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cloak the first one, predation the 2nd one. gg by then you should have killed him 2 times over. i know some will make smash less telegraphed but* an equally skilled play can clutch out an obvious smash


If we're talking about pure 1v1 here, then yea, anni might have the upper hand on rage marauder, but this is a general discussion about pvp, the scope is much wider than that.


Neither of those skills will stop me from interupting a bomb placement/turret cap, and if you think your extra 30% speed on predation is going to make up for force crush grinding you to a halt in huttball, you got another thing coming. And if you force camo while ball carrying, grats, I didn't even have to kill you to get the ball out your hands.

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Are you kidding look at my other post. The mobs of normal play and level of equal kick my butt. Its stupid. They are so under powered. My other level toon kill higher level mobs just fine. So there is a big problem here.


I'm anni and I only die 1 on 1 in PvE when im fighting something 3-4 Levels higher then me that's Elite.Get your Bleeds up and DEPENDING on the situation you will have your predation or Berzerk up pretty quick. If you are surviving ok go for Zerk, If you are taking hardcore dmg Pop Predation/Saber Ward...Save Your cloak for when ur low on health and need to burst your Bleeds. I find choking a mob when you first throw up bleeds its ok because when you are done choking your main rotation has reset.

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Hmm, I think most of you are not realizing.. Annihilation tree, if used correctly, allows the Marauder to DPS like intended, but only against single mobs or people, that aren't paying you any attention.. and if you are targetd, if your cool downs are used up, youre dead.


The fact of the matter is, Marauders should be the class with stealth, and light armor, seeing as how they are as tough as a wet paper bag.


DPS spec'ed Juggs are superior.. if you are looking for a viable class that DPS's and can survive; not as much DPS as Marauder, but with more survivability.



I challenge anyone that disagrees, make your own... level to 50.


I bet you lose interest, before level 10..

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If we're talking about pure 1v1 here, then yea, anni might have the upper hand on rage marauder, but this is a general discussion about pvp, the scope is much wider than that.


Neither of those skills will stop me from interupting a bomb placement/turret cap, and if you think your extra 30% speed on predation is going to make up for force crush grinding you to a halt in huttball, you got another thing coming. And if you force camo while ball carrying, grats, I didn't even have to kill you to get the ball out your hands.


stop planting capping? im pretty sure you dont need to do 4k smashes to stop someone from doing that. thats why sweeping strikes is amazing. 1 rage smashes for situations, 1 rage sweeping slash for fury gain.

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stop planting capping? im pretty sure you dont need to do 4k smashes to stop someone from doing that. thats why sweeping strikes is amazing. 1 rage smashes for situations, 1 rage sweeping slash for fury gain.


Synergy of goals with moves. Not sure if it was this thread I mentioned it, or another, but while your aoe interupt may not need to crit for 4k, it's alot nicer that it does. And it's nice that you can rage dump sweeping slash to get fury when you're out of combat, but I never have issues with fury generation. Predation is 100% uptime, and in the few cases when I need the extra dps outside of my normal rotation, I can pop berserk and start VS two people, with 6%+ dmg and 15%+ crit.

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Synergy of goals with moves. Not sure if it was this thread I mentioned it, or another, but while your aoe interupt may not need to crit for 4k, it's alot nicer that it does. And it's nice that you can rage dump sweeping slash to get fury when you're out of combat, but I never have issues with fury generation. Predation is 100% uptime, and in the few cases when I need the extra dps outside of my normal rotation, I can pop berserk and start VS two people, with 6%+ dmg and 15%+ crit.


while i understand what youre saying my goal most of the time is small skirms and destroy healers. you cant say that annih < rage in locking down healers. i still keep them from capping with a aoe smash that can still crit upwards of 1400-2k depending on gear and CDs popped and it still gets the job done all while locking the healer down

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So let me get this straight...anni marauder is apparantly the only way to pvp? I have been rolling carnage for a long time and top dmg charts quite often. Why would you say carnage is bad? I melt through light armor users and heavy armor i can cut through well with gore ->massacre -> ravage. I don't see how carnage is bad I actually like its playstyle a lot. Plus the additional accuracy helps with armor pen. The biggest thing is to know when your beat and pop force camo and run/heal yourself/go back in. If you just stand there and wait to die then yea it's not very good but if your smart, use undying rage, camo, run, you rarely die. Have people even tried pvp as carnage??? I'm legitimately curious now as to why so many are dismissing carnage for pvp. Doesn't bother me a lot knowing I can own scrubs with carnage though :)
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So let me get this straight...anni marauder is apparantly the only way to pvp? I have been rolling carnage for a long time and top dmg charts quite often. Why would you say carnage is bad? I melt through light armor users and heavy armor i can cut through well with gore ->massacre -> ravage. I don't see how carnage is bad I actually like its playstyle a lot. Plus the additional accuracy helps with armor pen. The biggest thing is to know when your beat and pop force camo and run/heal yourself/go back in. If you just stand there and wait to die then yea it's not very good but if your smart, use undying rage, camo, run, you rarely die. Have people even tried pvp as carnage??? I'm legitimately curious now as to why so many are dismissing carnage for pvp. Doesn't bother me a lot knowing I can own scrubs with carnage though :)


Its not. All specs are viable!! Entirely depends on personal preference...


For instance, i cant handle carnage , but im a absolute beast with Rage..

However i play 24/7 anni just because it suits me better...


cant imagine to do better with another spec or even class...


nothing comparable to jumping into 4 guys and killing them all :rolleyes:

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So let me get this straight...anni marauder is apparantly the only way to pvp? I have been rolling carnage for a long time and top dmg charts quite often. Why would you say carnage is bad? I melt through light armor users and heavy armor i can cut through well with gore ->massacre -> ravage. I don't see how carnage is bad I actually like its playstyle a lot. Plus the additional accuracy helps with armor pen. The biggest thing is to know when your beat and pop force camo and run/heal yourself/go back in. If you just stand there and wait to die then yea it's not very good but if your smart, use undying rage, camo, run, you rarely die. Have people even tried pvp as carnage??? I'm legitimately curious now as to why so many are dismissing carnage for pvp. Doesn't bother me a lot knowing I can own scrubs with carnage though :)


Here's the part that gets the quip. Against the weaker skilled opponents, yes Carnage rocks face. But it lacks the utility and self healing that Annihilate has. In PvP healing is a REALLY big help in the ability to you know... stay alive. Plus you have the additional abilities like a lower CD on your Blind, and Interrupt. Meaning you can tear casters a new ***, and ruin a healer's day even faster. DoTs for pressure, and sustained DPS even have you suffer a KB, plus the heavy hitter Annihilate and you have yourself a best in class PvP Tree.


Skill and gear and all those X factors people like to throw in aside, when it comes down to utility and survival, Annihilate just has MORE. And in an MMO more is always better.


NOT saying you can't get good with Carnage and stomp over some people. But we are limited in comparison. Not to say Rage isn't as well, but that's Bioware's fault for thinking that two classes sharing the same tree was a good idea. Herp derp.

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Well i also should note I am biochem and use ultimate medpac (reusable) while in pvp so healing isn't a huge issue. Again I feel that the healing in anni spec is just a perk...and that carnage is faster straight-up dps. Against casters I might agree anni has the upper hand, but against other dps class I feel carnage is best to win a 1v1 situation or to finish off that retreating jedi :p. I find gore an amazing talent that can't be overlooked. 100% armor pen on a 15 sec cd is unbelievable and works great with massacre and ravage combo. Plus having ravage immobilize the player 100% is a great perk. Massacre has no CD which imo makes annihilate look like the lower of the 2 skills. Maybe I just love the fast paced feel of carnage but I feel like staying in the fray too long is a bad habit to have and anni kinda promotes that with relying on heals through bleed. I prefer having to use my force camo and undying to basically make my opponents rage that they can never quite finish me off :)


That being said I haven't tried anni very extensively, but I guess being top in dmg a lot in my current spec which is 3/34/4 is kind of keeping me here. Of course a well geared sorc/sage or a merc can out dmg me but that's expected cough OP cough. Plus it transitions very nicely into pve if I wanna do some dailies in pve etc.


anni is getting a minor buff so I may be tempted to see.

Edited by sith_zephyrius
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Every one of these responses is just plain FAIL.


The original post is right on.


If you CLAIM you have played ANY MMO BEFORE then you need to go back to grammar school and math class if you think you know what you are talking about. The class sucks compared to the rest of the game. My three other toons can kick a MARAS A** in PVP at level 20. There is no balance and saying anything else is B*******. Just a bunch of A**** in here beating their chest thinking they have it all figured out.


This game is for the MASSES!!! Get it???? Not the elitist a**** who think they have all the answers!


Please get off your high horses and suggest ideas to fix the issues. I'm so sick of reading these forums full of nothing but a*******.

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while i understand what youre saying my goal most of the time is small skirms and destroy healers. you cant say that annih < rage in locking down healers. i still keep them from capping with a aoe smash that can still crit upwards of 1400-2k depending on gear and CDs popped and it still gets the job done all while locking the healer down


Anni may have a slight edge due to the 2 second shorter CD on disruption, but I find rage just as good at killing healers. Disruption on first heal, force choke the second (while charging your next smash), disruption on the third. If I need a 4th and 5th, I can always back up slightly for a 10 meter charge, or aoe mezz. And if the healer is anywhere near a teammate, which they usually are, as other melee often try to peel me, I'm killing them at the same time.


Anni may have the advantage in most 1v1's, and definitely is the more technical of the two specs, but pvp doesn't revolve around 1v1, and technical =! better.


Every one of these responses is just plain FAIL.


The original post is right on.


If you CLAIM you have played ANY MMO BEFORE then you need to go back to grammar school and math class if you think you know what you are talking about. The class sucks compared to the rest of the game. My three other toons can kick a MARAS A** in PVP at level 20. There is no balance and saying anything else is B*******. Just a bunch of A**** in here beating their chest thinking they have it all figured out.


This game is for the MASSES!!! Get it???? Not the elitist a**** who think they have all the answers!


Please get off your high horses and suggest ideas to fix the issues. I'm so sick of reading these forums full of nothing but a*******.


Not sure what grammar will teach me about mmo's, but I thought my grammar was decent. True balance is not possible to achieve across the board, the best you can shoot for is balance at end game, because that's where everyone will end up eventually.


It's already well known that marauders are late bloomers, that's pretty inherent to most warrior archtype classes in mmo's. But that doesn't mean the class is broken.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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