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Deitic: Alderaan commentary Sith jugg tank PoV


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Someone directed me to this link after you insulted the MF Gaming Community. I wanted to share my thoughts on your game play and first impressions:


I find someone with your skill set having an ego a bit odd. I have played competitively in MF Gaming while ranking in various E-Sports but I also enjoy MMOS.


At 14:10 you say in Ops Chat: "you can thank us for carrying you". The other premade of MF Gaming were doing their job (as evidenced by the final score) A simple GG would have sufficed not some arrogant attitude.


Also you state that your "ops" partner held the other objective solo was a complete lie...Kimbofett who was one of the 1st Battlemasters in MF held it himself. This would have been obvious if you had opened your minimap instead of talking about "Chilling Scream" every 3mins.


You have a lot to learn about serious coordinated pvp if you are gonna spam your stream links all over the forums and claim it's anything but average. You lack assisted focus fire, calling hard swaps, guard swapping, and miss some very needed taunts in pvp. Backpedalling is also frowned upon if you want to be taken seriously.



Good luck in SWTOR and hopefully your gameplay will improve with some practice.







PS Mr.Territo another skilled pvper will be by to review you also.


Cottonmouth - 5 times former Gladiator in Wow US Skullcrusher, former ranked 2nd in the US double dps team finals. Sponsored by Pepsi-Cola.


MF Gaming http://www.malumfactum.com

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you do realize your MF players were shouting SHUTUP when we were trying to communicate with them, not only did they do their own thing, until we kept telling them what to do they pretty much did nothing. If you actually listened to the commentary you would hear me describing that your premade was actually doing their job. But like any other troll clinging to their WoW past you refuse to check sources yourself. You take 1 single line and turn it into a qqfest GJ Malum factum real blatant way showing yourself to be like any other zerg pvp guild.


You say i lack focus targeting and guard swapping? Do you understand when i say over and over in the commentary that i'm focusing the healers? In case you didn't notice from your extensive pvp experience putting pressure on a healer something a tank in pvp should be doing.


Why would i be swapping guard when their focus target is always kazuyi? Once again you fail to realize other players are superior to you and they do realize that focusing the healer accomplished more then running around trying to dps an un-killable tank. Guess you forgot to see the 200k guard points right?



~ Deitic

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Also you state that your "ops" partner held the other objective solo was a complete lie...Kimbofett who was one of the 1st Battlemasters in MF held it himself. This would have been obvious if you had opened your minimap instead of talking about "Chilling Scream" every 3mins.


Btw he was the only one on the point if you cared to look at the minimap he was the only one on the point, throwing nades at the 2 ppl that rushed the point. So yeah lol you MF kiddies are funny.

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Judging from your response it appears you are reflecting the attitude you exhibit in every warzone I've watched. You seem to be a bit angry considering the numerous responses posted here also.


I'd like to add that "focusing the healers" according to your defensive build is a waste of time. Focus swapping to healers for cc/interrupts/ is how to prevent heals not sticking to them with poor dps. It is harder for a healer to heal others than themselves due to LOS issues and defensive abilites, something you fail to understand. Not once did you display anything other than "average" game play in your streaming.



PRO TIP: Dpsing a healer in defensive spec has little to no impact, and trust me, with the amount of backpedalling you exhibit during streaming...you have no impact. Focus swap to them for interrupts. Keep peeling off your own healer and stay in guard range.




Cottonmouth - 5 times former Gladiator in Wow US Skullcrusher, former ranked 2nd in the US double dps team finals. Sponsored by Pepsi-Cola.


MF Gaming http://www.malumfactum.com

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Judging from your response it appears you are reflecting the attitude you exhibit in every warzone I've watched. You seem to be a bit angry considering the numerous responses posted here also.


I'd like to add that "focusing the healers" according to your defensive build is a waste of time. Focus swapping to healers for cc/interrupts/ is how to prevent heals not sticking to them with poor dps. It is harder for a healer to heal others than themselves due to LOS issues and defensive abilites, something you fail to understand. Not once did you display anything other than "average" game play in your streaming.



PRO TIP: Dpsing a healer in defensive spec has little to no impact, and trust me, with the amount of backpedalling you exhibit during streaming...you have no impact. Focus swap to them for interrupts. Keep peeling off your own healer and stay in guard range.




Cottonmouth - 5 times former Gladiator in Wow US Skullcrusher, former ranked 2nd in the US double dps team finals. Sponsored by Pepsi-Cola.


MF Gaming http://www.malumfactum.com


However if you actually watched me you'll notice that i do deal a significant amount of damage to them which forces them to heal themselves instead of other targets....You obviously have no clue what the sith juggernaut tank spec is capable of.


I posted multiple times because i'm too busy to re-edit my posts thnx.

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However if you actually watched me you'll notice that i do deal a significant amount of damage to them which forces them to heal themselves instead of other targets....You obviously have no clue what the sith juggernaut tank spec is capable of.


I posted multiple times because i'm too busy to re-edit my posts thnx.


Just hush, I don't even know these MF guys but he is right, save your safe at least some dignity

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Cottonmouth - 5 times former Gladiator in Wow US Skullcrusher, former ranked 2nd in the US double dps team finals. Sponsored by Pepsi-Cola.


MF Gaming http://www.malumfactum.com


You do realize that this is not WoW, right?The quicker you realize this, the more fun you'll have in this game.


Also, this post does not belong on SWTOR forums, the ego fight should be taken elsewhere.

Either bring constructive post, or keyboard fight somewhere else.

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However if you actually watched me you'll notice that i do deal a significant amount of damage to them which forces them to heal themselves instead of other targets....You obviously have no clue what the sith juggernaut tank spec is capable of.


I posted multiple times because i'm too busy to re-edit my posts thnx.


HAHAHAHAHA im pretty sure your 2k crits puts out way too much pressure on healers, their bubble shield is enough to hold you rofl spec rage and learn to play then it will probably be real pressure.

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HAHAHAHAHA im pretty sure your 2k crits puts out way too much pressure on healers, their bubble shield is enough to hold you rofl spec rage and learn to play then it will probably be real pressure.


Hey jokk i got that Rage quit on vid i'll post it up for you.

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