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Sage/Sorc needs a nerf!!


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huh? if it is interrupted you actually just switch to something else for 4 whole seconds, 2 whole ability cycles... That is not a disadvantage, it is an advantage..


Well then you are treating this game as if it was built for solo play it is designed for group and if you group well enough you can interupt them more than once and ohh btw the other abilitys we have if tracer missle hasnt been spammed much arnt going to do well

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huh? if it is interrupted you actually just switch to something else for 4 whole seconds, 2 whole ability cycles... That is not a disadvantage, it is an advantage..


Interrupt him a second time and all of useful skills will be on cooldown and he is ready to die. Its not Bhs fault you dont know how the Class works.

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Well then you are treating this game as if it was built for solo play it is designed for group and if you group well enough you can interupt them more than once and ohh btw the other abilitys we have if tracer missle hasnt been spammed much arnt going to do well


Ok so what is the problem, that we do well in groups, but if you target us we die like nothing else??

of course they should go down quickly to multiple players, what kind of idiot are you?

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Interrupt him a second time and all of useful skills will be on cooldown and he is ready to die. Its not Bhs fault you dont know how the Class works.




Sure, ill do that in 12 seconds after my first one is on cooldown... Oh you are changing the argument to group based combat, where the same thing happens to all classes.. Cant keep yalls circles straight, sorry.

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and what is your argument can i ask if it about sorc then PLAY MADNESS it is bullcrap the amount of instant casts they got if you want a tough class to play in pvp try an agent and before you ask which spec either of them suck balls with melee getting on them
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and what is your argument can i ask if it about sorc then PLAY MADNESS it is bullcrap the amount of instant casts they got if you want a tough class to play in pvp try an agent and before you ask which spec either of them suck balls with melee getting on them


First off, punctuation.. Second you will need to be more specific about the problem in madness, assuiming it is a perfect mirror to tele it only gives you 1 additional instant.

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Im so SICK OF SEEING ENTIRE teams of NOTHING but Sages and SI...


This is a CLUE Bioware.. do something. Stop the noob madness of rolling these two OP'ed classes.


Also the main reason WHY Sages/SI's are OP'ed.....


--------------> RESOLVE <------------------------------------- Fix it.


The Stun/cc spam from them is getting stupid and fast.

Edited by Blaaine
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put this way madness can pretty much do an instant damage aoe that can take out stealth you guys got bubbles yes not best but still stop damage you guys got 2 shocks and have also got your lightning beam thing that has no cd which can eventually lead up to an instant attack of any attack that you like you guys also got a really op DOT that madness buffs, and you got attacks that heal you for damage which btw shouldnt be on a class that can already heal it self pretty well
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Sure, ill do that in 12 seconds after my first one is on cooldown... Oh you are changing the argument to group based combat, where the same thing happens to all classes.. Cant keep yalls circles straight, sorry.


12 Seconds, yeah your right, its impossible to interrupt twice because sorcs have 0 stuns. :rolleyes:

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12 Seconds, yeah your right, its impossible to interrupt twice because sorcs have 0 stuns. :rolleyes:


Wait, so now we are adding in abilities? First of all if you are stunned you are not going to be doing anything for 4 seconds, unless your resolve is full then it is nothing, so not really a valid argument.

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lets review sorc cc that i know off so far you have the stun aoe knock back and whirlwind you have a aoe ROOT if you are lightning spec you have a slow down affect that does damage over time you have a bubble and i cant think of anything else unless OHH yee you get an aoe Flash bang kind of thing if you are lightning spec also
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Wait, so now we are adding in abilities? First of all if you are stunned you are not going to be doing anything for 4 seconds, unless your resolve is full then it is nothing, so not really a valid argument.


Resolve don't work... at all. Thats the problem.


I'm at a full resolve bar for a long long time.. and I still get stunned over and over.


As a Marauder.. I'm stunned/cc'ed alot. and my Resolver bar is full 90% of the time I'm alive. I still get CC'ed.

Edited by Blaaine
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One thing though Sorcs damage isnt the problem is the how to put it pretty much instant casting and life stealing it has that attracts every player and they need to pretty much change some things arround to make other classes as well look awsome
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lets review sorc cc that i know off so far you have the stun aoe knock back and whirlwind you have a aoe ROOT if you are lightning spec you have a slow down affect that does damage over time you have a bubble and i cant think of anything else unless OHH yee you get an aoe Flash bang kind of thing if you are lightning spec also


you are combining multiple classes there bub... Also bubble is now a CC, wow the word crowd control has morphed a lot since the EQ days.

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Resolve don't work... at all. Thats the problem.


I'm at a full resolve bar for a long long time.. and I still get stunned over and over.


As a Marauder.. I'm stunned/cc'ed alot. and my Resolver bar is full 90% of the time I'm alive. I still get CC'ed.


That is not a class issue, it is a mechanic issue.

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One thing though Sorcs damage isnt the problem is the how to put it pretty much instant casting and life stealing it has that attracts every player and they need to pretty much change some things arround to make other classes as well look awsome


Its the fact they can stun your and drain 1/2 your life before you can do a thing. This is by far worse than the OPS out of stealth attack.

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Wait, so now we are adding in abilities? First of all if you are stunned you are not going to be doing anything for 4 seconds, unless your resolve is full then it is nothing, so not really a valid argument.


I'm bored of explaying you how to play sorc, i would have explained a monkey how to play sorc in half the time ive spent with you. Have fun with your crying on forums, i need a break :)

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no but i mean bubble pretty much saves ur butt against any kind of big hitting opener attack



And? it is suposed to, it is our heavy armor, without it, and lets be clear most big hitting opener takes it down + still does damage, we would really have no survivability.

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