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Alderaan game of thrones


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Am I the only one who's noticed that the planet story for Alderaan is an exact copy of the story in the novel series "A Song of Fire and Ice", AKA the TV show Game of Thrones?


Panteer = Targaryen, the former royal house, recently deposed in a bloody coup, reduced to only a few survivors in hiding from the new regime


Ulgo = Baratheon, the noble house that seized power for the right reasons but has made a total mess of it before falling apart, leaving two other noble houses to fight over the scraps


Organa = Stark, one of the two main contenders for the crown, generally depicted as the good guys who have been forced to seek it to survive and otherwise would have been content to remain vassals to the rightful monarchs


Thul = Lannister, the other main contender for the crown, generally depicted as bad guys who are attempting take advantage of the chaos caused by the downfall of the rightful monarchs to usurp the throne for themselves


Order of Extermination = Night's Watch, an ancient brotherhood that has forsworn house ties and politics to devote themselves to battling an ancient evil that threatens the entire world, once an army, now only a handful of them remain when they are needed most


Killiks/joiners = Others (white walkers)/wights, an ancient, almost forgotten menace that threatens the entire world, though the noble houses are too busy fighting each other to notice it.

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Eh...I don't mind that much as long as they do it well. I haven't gotten that far in the books and just finished watching first season, so I haven't exactly made any connections yet. That might also be because I know those houses aren't the only ones on Alderaan. I'm kinda bummed that they focused just on those houses though, because there's actually like 10-15 houses on Alderaan. They focused on Organa for obvious reasons. I get it. But still...maybe in the future they'll involve the other houses.

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Where does House Rist come in, then?


I think whenever you have a society of noble houses, and a plot that has the current ruler(s) get knocked off, the story will always come down to something similar.


Former Rulers - knocked off, reduced in power, in hiding

Current Ruler - grabbed the reins of power in the vacuum, either dark and sinister, good and noble, or bumbling and soon to be deposed (or a mixture)

Good Guys - the 'noble' house, striving to take over for the good of all

Bad Guys - the 'evil' house, trying to take over for their own ends

Scheming Guys - the guys trying to play everyone against one another and, ultimately, size power for themselves


And the kiliks aren't really an "unknown/ancient threat". One of the first quests you get (at least on the imperial side) has a guy standing out in front of House Thull grumbling about how everyone's too busy infighting to deal with the kiliks that've been around forever and ever, and are usually kept at bay by a combined effort from the houses.


I've never read the books, though, or seen the TV show. So who knows. :)

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The problem with Alderaan in the game is that you just can't kill of all the snobbish aristocrats.


What hope the Republic can have is Alderaan is their idea of democracy and "beacon of freedom" (or whatever Jace Malcolm's words in Hope were)?

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Am I the only one who's noticed that the planet story for Alderaan is an exact copy of the story in the novel series "A Song of Fire and Ice", AKA the TV show Game of Thrones?


Panteer = Targaryen, the former royal house, recently deposed in a bloody coup, reduced to only a few survivors in hiding from the new regime


Ulgo = Baratheon, the noble house that seized power for the right reasons but has made a total mess of it before falling apart, leaving two other noble houses to fight over the scraps


Organa = Stark, one of the two main contenders for the crown, generally depicted as the good guys who have been forced to seek it to survive and otherwise would have been content to remain vassals to the rightful monarchs


Thul = Lannister, the other main contender for the crown, generally depicted as bad guys who are attempting take advantage of the chaos caused by the downfall of the rightful monarchs to usurp the throne for themselves


Order of Extermination = Night's Watch, an ancient brotherhood that has forsworn house ties and politics to devote themselves to battling an ancient evil that threatens the entire world, once an army, now only a handful of them remain when they are needed most


Killiks/joiners = Others (white walkers)/wights, an ancient, almost forgotten menace that threatens the entire world, though the noble houses are too busy fighting each other to notice it.


The parallel breaks down with the fact that the Organas support the Panteers old dynasty, where the Starks support the Baratheon new dynasty.

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"Exact copy" is really pushing it. There's some similarities - as there will be between any two stories revolving around warring nobles - but pegging it as an "exact copy" is the same as calling a zebra the same thing as a giraffe because you counted the same number of hooves.
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I don't think the previous rulers help get someone new on the throne, and when you do quests on Alderaan you meet them and they help you. As far as I know in the book they wanted to get the throne back.




On Republic Side the new ruler of the house gives you her support for Organa.



On Imperial Side you get the crown of the previous ruler, and one of the house vassals promises you to help Thul get the throne.


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