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BH Merc healer Help ?


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As There is almost impossible to find a healer on my server, im about to respecc to healing, so my question is this, What stats does Merc healers use and how do they cope with class quests as im lvl 26? Edited by ipaprik
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I do just fine with mine, I'm full Bodyguard spec'd. Though lately the class quests seem a bit rougher. Healing wise i can keep myself up. I just have little time for much else. Essentally i heal myself till mobs get bored and go home.


My problem on the server i'm on, I cant find a single tank thats actually tank spec'd. I normally have to turn down healers when starting a flash point! I've seen alot of dps spec'd tanks that try and do ok. We normally make it through with a few rough patches. And i've seen alot of clueless "tanks" that lie about being a tank just to get groups.

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No 50 but leveled as a healer presently at 43.


Killing will take a bit longer until you get blizz and skage. I switched to those to help with quests as it started going faster.


Stats you want are of course +aim (incraeses heals) over Endurance. when you get higher you want to go for gear with Alacrity then Power, after those 2 I am shooting for Crit but not an expert on it.


Alacrity shortens cast time on your spells. I believe you cannot go below 1 second cast time. Power of course adds to your healing power.

Edited by Fizbanic
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I am currently level 43 merc and have switched between Heals and DPS. If you want to get into Flashpoints fast and healers are in demand it is a great healer. However, I find that spec'd heals I struggle more with solo missions and it takes longer to level up.


I am personally very frustrated at the lack of a dual spec option and the fact that respec is so costly. I would not mind respec for FP's when I am doing them but do not want to be heals and keep getting owned and taking forever to level on missions. I intended to be heals at end game but at 18K to respec again I think it will be my last time and I will remain DPS and not make any future tanks or heals until there is a viable solution.

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I leveled to 50 as a BH healer the entire way.


It's actually pretty easy to start and just gets easier as more abilities unlock. Keep your shield on yourself and you'll find that regular enemies can't hurt you in any meaningful way. If you start taking damage, shoot yourself a quick heal (I generally just use my instant cast Emergency scan for this when fighting mobs) and then get back to bringing the pain.


I recommend using a ranged dps companion. Tanks, at some point in beta, got a huge nerf and are now nigh worthless. Melee comps can be tricky as well because they tend to run in and aggro everything, and of course they take more damage because they have to be in melee range to attack. With a ranged companion, you have some lead time.


So my basic strat is to kolto shield myself and then throw the exploding dart followed by unload. I keep exploding dart on cooldown and use instant abilities as appropriate while I'm running. Jet boost them away and fire off a fusion missile (or use power surge and make it instant), and rail shot at every opportunity.


Remember that supercharged gas also makes your power shot basically free, so pop it and spam power shot for a nice dps cooldown (works well when the mob is stunned with electro dart because there's no pushback).


Basically, you will kill things slower than as a dps spec, but you will have zero downtime and shouldn't ever be in danger of actually dying.

Edited by Enexemander
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Currently I am a level 42 Merc. Until level 38 I was pure Bodyguard. Now I have put 10 points in to Arsenal and it has made a world of difference. With supercharged gas, Power Shot is free. I have even done heroic 4's and FPs without any trouble at all. I find it fairly effective in pvp as well (I get the 75k Combat and healer medals np).


Here is the build I use, it works great for me as it suits my play style. Also I have switched to Torian Cadera, his dps is great and he is easy to keep alive. It even inspired me to use Akaavi on my scoundrel.

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I do just fine with mine, I'm full Bodyguard spec'd. Though lately the class quests seem a bit rougher. Healing wise i can keep myself up. I just have little time for much else. Essentally i heal myself till mobs get bored and go home.


My problem on the server i'm on, I cant find a single tank thats actually tank spec'd. I normally have to turn down healers when starting a flash point! I've seen alot of dps spec'd tanks that try and do ok. We normally make it through with a few rough patches. And i've seen alot of clueless "tanks" that lie about being a tank just to get groups.


This is my biggest problem, asorbing too much threat because lack of tank.

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