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Why I will be splitting my time, or leaving


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What's wrong with splitting your time? I mean, just because I love SWTOR doesn't mean that I want to play it in such a manner that I burn myself out. I keep my FFXIV sub going for just that.


Personally I'm looking forward to games like The Secret World and GW2. And I don't see how enjoyment of an MMO has to be a mutually exclusive pass time. It's a game, not a spouse. SWTOR isn't going to leave you if it finds out your playing Guild Wars 2.. And I don't think you're going to get some MMO-comminicable disease from it either.


Variety is the spice of life!


So many people rage quit games when all they really need to do is step back for a little bit and take a small break.


Guess I didn't realize so many people split their time already. Between school and a full time job i'm afraid I wouldn't have the time, but that is why april is a good date since finals should be over close to if not by then. But as a way to prevent burnout isn't a bad idea.


Wasn't really trying to turn this into a debate on Secret world, just stated the game I would be splitting time with. That is why I didn't mention Secret world past the intro. The point is after 2 months in that i'm already looking at other games, and I feel that is a problem. But I have to admit this is the first MMO from launch date i've played. My first ever was wow, but i'm not sure when I started playing compared to launch. Maybe a few months in.


Either way, 2 months is 2 months. I think its more constructive to say what you don't like before you leave then a rage filled post or saying nothing at all. I haven't left yet, and even on trying this other game doesn't mean I will leave then. But since the internet doesn't have a suggestion box I can drop a paper into, this is my feedback to Bioware.


There are lots of things I can rage about, but I thought I was being pretty calm in my post.


Sorry you don't like it. Not the game for you. I'm enjoying it greatly. My whole guild is.


As to the forums. You will never find forums that are not hostile, filled with childish rantings, not on any game. If you chose to leave a game based on the forum traffic, you will never find a game that you will stay with. Its unfortunate, but it is a fact.


Beyond that I believe you are basing your decision on bad reasoning. Not only is this game not finished, it has not yet begun. MMORPGs do not hit their stride until at least 6 months in. That is when you will start to see it beginning to reach its potential. This is not "Call of duty", or any other completed shooter, it is a long term, social, RPG.


Either way, I wish you the best if you leave, but would suggest that you stick to your plan and hang around. It would be most unfortunate to allow the jackwagons on the general board both deter you and create a false illusion of what a MMORGP is.


Its not the forums by themselves per se, its just they really arn't helping my impresson. Or maybe i'm reaching the point in my life where the antics of teenagers is really starting to annoy me. Hopefully I never reach the point where i'm yelling at kids on my lawn.:p

Edited by Tetrablade
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I am in beta. Prepare to be disappointed. I am not talking bugs either.


Gw2 might be a better choice. Or diablo 3. Or Tera for a new take on combat.


But the secret world should stay a secret lol


Sadly I agree with this....I so wanted it not to be a typical Funcom MMO.


Teara will only appease Raiders and those who love Grinds


GW2 will be different but if you hate TOR then you will really hate GW2 especially if you are a Min/Maxer hard core raider or you want to rush to max level.


Bottom line is there is no White Knight MMO coming over the hill to save anyone they all have their warts and once all is said and done folks will realize that TOR didn't do nearly as bad as some would have you believe.

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