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Is BW planning on code optimazation?


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So we ve heard about bw talking about future content patches.. new flashpoints/warzones/quests w/e...

and we heard about them trying to bug fix stuff ..


BUT imo another important stuff is rarely mentioned by the community and thats the sloppy code programming on bws part...

no its NOT JUST the hero engine but also this game seems to have some very performance eating codes ....


for example try to spam open your bag/inventory and you ll see how your fps drops to 0...

that kinda indicates that the request for the inventory stuff-code is not as optimized as it should be...


so have there been any statements on improving these, so we dont have to suffer 5 fps battles in illum?

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You can't even spell the word "optimization" and you are criticizing code you've never set eyes on?


You can't possibly be serious.


so typos are more important to you than the actual message? alright dude, troll somewhere else

Edited by Fantastix
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so typos are more important to you than the actual message? alright dude, troll somewhere else


Actually, he was simply pointing out that your carelessness and lack of attention to detail undermines your position that their code is unoptimized and needs optimization.


And I must say, I agree with him. I can't take you seriously on the topic.

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so typos are more important to you than the actual message? alright dude, troll somewhere else


Alright, fair enough. I apologize for being flippant with you.


Why do you assume that Bioware isn't trying to improve application performance accross the board?

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You can't even spell the word "optimization" and you are criticizing code you've never set eyes on?


You can't possibly be serious.


for example try to spam open your bag/inventory and you ll see how your fps drops to 0...


I'm not entirely certain why I'd want to repeatedly hit my "I" key to "spam open" my inventory. But, that said...



You can't even spell the word "optimization" and you are criticizing code you've never set eyes on?


You can't possibly be serious.


While you've got a certain point about spelling, the more important point is that the OP has a fairly good question.


The game is a VERY heavy piece of software. The amount of time it takes for areas to load (note all over the forums complaining about load screens and load wait times), begs the question: ARE they going to at least clean up the code?


The amount of time I sit and stare at the monitor while waiting for the game makes it feel very, very, very much like bloatware.


So, BioWare, were you planning on doing some code cleanup in the future? It'd probably be of marginal help to the ridiculous wait times some of us experience.


I spend more time waiting for areas to load in ToR than I do in:


  • Star Trek Online
  • City of Heroes/Villians
  • Rift
  • Guild Wars
  • Forsaken World
  • DC Universe Online
  • Lord of the Rings Online
  • Champions Online


Don't know about WoW. Don't play it. Wouldn't touch it. I prefer graphics that weren't made for ages 5-10. :)

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BUT imo another important stuff is rarely mentioned by the community and thats the sloppy code programming on bws part...

no its NOT JUST the hero engine but also this game seems to have some very performance eating codes ....



Is this your first visit to these forums or something?

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I'm not entirely certain why I'd want to repeatedly hit my "I" key to "spam open" my inventory. But, that said...





While you've got a certain point about spelling, the more important point is that the OP has a fairly good question.


The game is a VERY heavy piece of software. The amount of time it takes for areas to load (note all over the forums complaining about load screens and load wait times), begs the question: ARE they going to at least clean up the code?


The amount of time I sit and stare at the monitor while waiting for the game makes it feel very, very, very much like bloatware.


So, BioWare, were you planning on doing some code cleanup in the future? It'd probably be of marginal help to the ridiculous wait times some of us experience.


I spend more time waiting for areas to load in ToR than I do in:


  • Star Trek Online
  • City of Heroes/Villians
  • Rift
  • Guild Wars
  • Forsaken World
  • DC Universe Online
  • Lord of the Rings Online
  • Champions Online


Don't know about WoW. Don't play it. Wouldn't touch it. I prefer graphics that weren't made for ages 5-10. :)


But yet you play a game were you can romance your companion? mmk

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Actually, he was simply pointing out that your carelessness and lack of attention to detail undermines your position that their code is unoptimized and needs optimization.


And I must say, I agree with him. I can't take you seriously on the topic.


Because you're not supposed to take him seriously. You're supposed to take the topic seriously.


Regardless of spelling mistakes, the issues are pretty apparent. Accidentally bump the C key in Ilum when there's a 20+ on 20+ battle going on and watch what happens as the game has a mini seizure trying to bring up the character panel.

Edited by Azurewind
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But yet you play a game were you can romance your companion? mmk


I had no idea that was the whole point of ToR.


Thanks for giving me the advantage of your experience in why to play ToR. If pixel romance works for you, that's cool.


I'll stick to the whole playing-a-game-with-friends thing, though. :)

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so typos are more important to you than the actual message? alright dude, troll somewhere else


This is how fanboys discredit statements that they could normally not argue against.


They'll pick through your post, find a grammar error or some other insignificant detail that's not important for the sake of internet forum discussion and point that out as their basis of claiming you're wrong.


For each person that points that out, or agrees with a previous nit-pick you can basically say to yourself "I win" in regards to not having your point of view actually discredited or lessened.

Edited by oursacrifice
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I had no idea that was the whole point of ToR.


Thanks for giving me the advantage of your experience in why to play ToR. If pixel romance works for you, that's cool.


I'll stick to the whole playing-a-game-with-friends thing, though. :)


And atleast those WoW graphics play smooth to bad we cant say the same for ur precious

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I'll still stick to playing ToR because for me it's about having fun with friends, if it's all the same to you.


can you really have fun with friends playing tor while having 5 fps in a illum zerg?





and btw that BAG EXAMPLE (EXAMPLE EXAMPLE) was, guess now? an example of the sloppy coding....i wonder why everyone is nagging on this one..

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can you really have fun with friends playing tor while having 5 fps in a illum zerg?


and btw that BAG EXAMPLE (EXAMPLE EXAMPLE) was, guess now? an example of the sloppy coding....i wonder why everyone is nagging on this one..


Dunno. I don't PvP. Don't care about it, not interested in it, don't do it.


And the reason eveyrone's going on about the bag example is that, and be honest here, it was an odd one.


I mean, how many people constantly spam their inventory key?


Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyway, have fun.

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So... they should optimize code paths for the bags, because you spammed your hot key and got zero FPS... which is a behavior that almost nobody else does. They should waste time on that optimization...


Also, the programming team for a project like TOR is huge, the people working on new content aren't the same people fixing bugs, aren't the same people fixing exploits, and aren't the same people working on optimizing code.

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Dunno. I don't PvP. Don't care about it, not interested in it, don't do it.


And the reason eveyrone's going on about the bag example is that, and be honest here, it was an odd one.


I mean, how many people constantly spam their inventory key?


Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyway, have fun.


because on that bag example you can perfectly see the bad coding...

i can also talk about the long planet loading screens, but then i m certain that fanbois will show up and blame it to the hero engine (which probably is partial true)

i cant really tell you which aspect of the game has been coded bad, since i cant look into the source code.. it could be anything or everything nor do i get paid for doing it right?


all i / we know is that this game is very ressuorce hungry and i guess noone would deny that one?

Edited by Fantastix
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Dunno. I don't PvP. Don't care about it, not interested in it, don't do it.


And the reason eveyrone's going on about the bag example is that, and be honest here, it was an odd one.


I mean, how many people constantly spam their inventory key?


Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyway, have fun.


He was using opening a bag as an example of poorly optimized code. The game shouldn't freeze from using the UI.


You just had to get some WOW bashing in at the end of your first post didn't you.

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Why are people even being ***** about this? It's obvious it's a problem! Are the biodefense force so dense that they'd rater bring up WoW, spelling errors and troll then have sloppy code cleaned up?


No people don't just repeatedly press C,I,J,L,M,N,K or P but I shouldn't have to face a HUGE fps drop because I felt like checking if I equipped a mod, want to read the codex, check the map, or reverse engineer an item.

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He was using opening a bag as an example of poorly optimized code. The game shouldn't freeze from using the UI.


You just had to get some WOW bashing in at the end of your first post didn't you.


Thats just an fanboy's defense kicking in to make them feel better bout their precious

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