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Ilum and Warzone Changes (Opinions on "Fixes")


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I wanted to set up a list of things I personally would enjoy seeing in terms of changes to Ilum and the various warzones. Obviously these are all my personal opinion. These aren't *drastic* environment changes and such like some people suggest, just tweaks to what they have.



1.) Armament Farming:

- Allow Armaments around any point your faction controls. Slightly increase spawn time.

- Add option for 3 Armaments to the Ilum Dailies (Giving up the Daily Commendation Token). While this won't net you your 30, it alleviates some of the stress and armaments really aren't PvP Anyways. This would also give a slight bump to servers that have severe faction imbalances that struggle to get their daily done.


2.) Kill Farming (Kill Trading):

- Lower Bonus Valor

- Increase Time between 0 Valor to Max Valor and set up tier system. Example: Player A gets you 100 Valor the first kill. Decrease by 20% each subsequent kill down to 0. 5 Mins between last kill and next tier increase in valor. Starts at 40% of original valor. (While this obviously would not prevent "Trading" it greatly increases the time and lessens the value of the kills.


3.) If Faction A outnumbers Faction B. Faction B's Main Base Turrets shell random AOE Damage on points other faction controls. (I think those are awesome so it's silly how they aren't actively used). Rather then add "Tenacity" or other player driven buffs, this adds a mechanic based on the zone.




1) Defense Team Doors

- Once a Door is Broken Open, all barriers for respawning defense stay DOWN for 30-40 seconds to allow regrouping of that team (Or even port entire defense team to the next door to set up a good defense from the attackers). Also I feel lower overall Door time by about 3-5 Seconds


2) Terminal at the end

-Make this not a 1 second cast. Have it at 10 or something similar to allow the team to protect it. As it stands right now it's just an extra thing to click and if they open that last door, a team *will* hit it every time. Give it a purpose. I mean it's the reason we ARE in voidstar.


3) No changes to Attacking Side.




Carrier - Team Buildling!

I love huttball. I do. But I do think the Ball Carriers should be limited on things they can do. I feel as if you HAVE the ball you can't be pulled or gripped by the same team. You also wouldn't be able to use YOUR abilities such as Charge, Knockback, Run Speed, etc. (And this is coming from a Powertech that loves Jet Charge).


Really I feel as if the ball carrier should HAVE to rely on his team to help him score. Fight for that score. Pass the ball up and so forth. You get knocked down? Your team needs to have the sense to run ahead to wait for a pass or guard/heal you so you can run back up.


Perhaps make it so the EXTRA slow the ball carrier gets gets removed and it just keeps them perpetually "in combat" so their sprint doesn't become active.


Civil War:


This is a pretty "Balanced" Warzone that I enjoy. Minus the Turret bugs on what attacks first...


I do feel the distance between the East/West Turrets and the Speeders are too close. Perhaps the distance between Speeder to Mid would be a good length to go of off. (Still makes it so the team that owns it has an obvious advantage than spawning at the main point)




That's about it. Just some "simple" things I was thinking of today that would make me personally, enjoy PvP even more.

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