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Rather than kill MOBs for codex entry..


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could we have a scanner that we could click when close to them?


If feels rather heartless and silly to have to kill creatures just to get the codex entry, especially docile animals.


This would be a nice touch. Of course if you're an evil Sith, then it makes sense to kill.

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i like this idea a lot, it's those small things that make game great


i remember in lotro that elves could not target neutral creatures because the elves were good at heart and would never harm such animals (humans and others could kill them without problem)


Yes. Exactly. It's these details that really help with immersion. If I recall, these animals wouldn't run away from elves either.


I just recently got to Hoth, and I've seen some neat creatures that I want to learn more about, but really don't want to slaughter them to find out what they're about, haha. I especially like the 4-eyed camel/mammoth thingies, haha. They're awesome looking.

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I just recently got to Hoth, and I've seen some neat creatures that I want to learn more about, but really don't want to slaughter them to find out what they're about, haha. I especially like the 4-eyed camel/mammoth thingies, haha. They're awesome looking.


Hihi, or the Bormus on Balmorra. I never killed one of those, I just couldn't. I doubt Bioware will ever consider this, because 99% of the community probably doesn't even care about Codex entries, other than for the exp they give. But I support this idea nontheless!

Edited by Majspuffen
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