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Am I the only Marauder who plays Carnage @ 50


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I really want to like Carnage, really. When I first hit 10 and read through the trees, Carnage seemed like the one for me. The idea of proc damage seemed very Marauder to me. Unfortunately, I leveled with Anni for the survivability and have become addicted. I tried out Carnage for a bit @ 50, and hate not having the Fury generation and variety that Anni offers. I find the rotations for Carnage a bit boring, especially the Berserk Massacre spam. I don't like any class that relies on one non-CD ability as its main damage dealer - but that's just my play style.


I'll probably try it again once they fix Ravage and that Ataru form bugs, because I really want to like it!



Think about it. Actually, don't. Just think of Sorcs/Sages. They have everything: Healing, Insane damage, range, CC up the wazoo. We have Damage and that's pretty much it.


Welcome to playing melee? 1v1 I can school Sorcs - but they have all the necessary skills to make them dominate group PvP.

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Use massacre to buff the chance, hit rupture, then immediately Choke them. You'll do ataru strikes while channeling Choke, it looks hilarious, like you're holding up your own pinata.


This is indeed pretty awesome and lol whenever I pull it off.

Edited by miliways
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