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PvP/leveling specs


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I've been playing around with my specs, and while Gunnery does lots and lots of potential damage, in pvp (this is sub level 40) I find that I'm just getting demolished. so many interrupts I might as well just switch to combat support cell and heal. So, great for pve, bad for pvp.


With Combat medic, I went 24 deep (currently 35 now) and have been rocking in pvp, except I have no real fun while questing. Sure, I don't die, ever, but there's nothing fun about fighting.


I did try assault for a couple days, and it seemed like magic. In PvP, my big damage stuff was instant cast, and I could burst out so much damage it didn't even make sense, even in the middle of the fight. topped the damage meters by huge margins. And in PvE, I found survival lacking, but again, it did work.


I axe you guys this, If you planned on leveling another commando while doing pvp AND pve, what sort of spec would you progress with? I'm very torn here, because I like gunnery the most in PVE, and combat medic the most in pvp, but assault seems like the bastard child spec that functions okay in both.

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I'm currently 42, spec'd for gunnery.


I play a lot of pvp (all my gear is up to level) and it's great for dishing out damage, but I die super fast.


I'm thinking the same thing you are - switch to either healer or something with more survivability.


Sorry I don't have any answers, kind of in the same boat.

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The more I play assault, the more I like it for the blend of pvp/leveling. Too much discussion about endgame specs and not enough about how to spec while leveling, IMO.


I still think it feels like something much better tuned for vanguards (no synergy whatsoever with the heals) but it does grant mobility and lots more survivability in pvp (no more getting locked down, if you are getting focused in a BG, you can just run in and spam your DoT/grenades to do as much dps as possible and **** the meters) and it does give you a decent ability to level in PvE. I like the simple, yet interesting rotation of instant cast things you can use while moving, paired with the channeled and cast time skills that it synergizes with.


I also like that I don't just sit there and spam grav round/high impact bolt and absolutely nothing else. Seriously, I HATE the rotation of gunnery, it's so boring. I don't mind being somewhat stationary, but not having 100% pushback protection on my MAIN dps skill, not to mention all the interrupts, makes a gunnery commando a flat out liability in pvp if the enemy knows what he's doing.


It does stink that the spec built FOR commando DPS is just so not-fun as a solo-queue in pvp, and is more boring than a vanilla WoW hunter in rotation.


IMO, give combat medic's combat support cell "builds charge" system charges from using charged bolts or some offensive attack. That could be useful for some nice damage rotations.

Edited by Fishybob
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I was gunnery up untill 46 or something, having the same problem as you guys I noticed in pvp my survivability was woefully inadequate, sure we can dish out the dps but you have to effectively play sniper and sit as far away as possible otherwise you get attacked and destroyed by anything that moves.


I had a short stint with assault specialist, I found the dps was really poor and I still had the survivability issues I had in pvp and pve.


I then decided to focus on pvp more and go combat medic; it was the best choice I made regarding my spec and now all I have to do is optimize it a bit for pvp. I find in warzones I am more of a tank than any vanguards specced into shield, when i'm not taking damage I can catch up to and save the occasional ally and even turn the tide of unbalanced fights just by being able to keep myself and an ally alive while they dish out the damage. The downside is that as a CM I do very little dps, if i'm not healing myself when someone is attacking I will usually die which means I have no time to do any damage let alone the quickbar slots to dedicate to dps abilities when most of them go to heal/survival/CC cooldowns; hammer shot with 30 stacks usually deals a respectable amount of damage, so if i'm lucky I can finish off an enemy or throw the odd plasma grenade into a group.


Not that being unable to dps is a complaint, I waived my ability to dish out damage in favour of survivability and being able to heal my team, this is definitely a choice I will be sticking with in the forseeable future and I would recommend it to anyone sick of the squishiness of the commando dps specs.

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