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To people complaining about


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Maybe you should stop playing a fail spec in general, you forgoe survivability, better mobility, and overall better damage so you can get 1-2k more burst in your rotation.



In a 10 second span I easily make up the non discharge Dmg from simply having my shock a) reset faster B) crit every time




It's funny how people in this thread claim they are just good players keeping healers and **** alive, when they are in effect playing a gimped spec if they are deception. there is nothing wrong with guarding a healer and running dark charge, there should be no switching because you should be in dark charge all the time.


And let's play devils advocate for a second, assuming deception was a good spec. Your capacity in a group or pre made environment is as a burst/dos class. By going into dark charge without darkness spec you are severly limiting your damage output, as you lose the benefit of a big discharge hit and you lack the shock benefits of a darkness spec. Your group should have a real tank to guard bounce on healers not a deception sin whose gimped their purpose in the group by using dark charge. In the process of guarding the healer you are removing a potent dpser from the equation, having the flexibility doesn't even matter because in a competitve environment you will lose the fight anyway because the team that has people playing correctly will beat you, as in your stance dance role you are a squishy tank with ineffective dps, overall hurting your group.


Brings it back to, darkness/madness is the only worthwhile spec of a sin. You can tank and guard effectively and you put out roughly the same damage without giving up survivability and utility in the process.

Edited by Snaex
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I've only changed stances while questing when Khem goes down and I need some extra defense. After getting Talos though I don't have to worry about it.


I can see how it can be a problem though as others have said about certain situations in PVP and flashpoints/operations

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