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Improve social gains


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Am I the only one who thinks you don't earn social points in the game? Maybe have it so you earn a pt for every mob defeated in a group or something. Just doesn't seem to get any gains for doing just heroics and fp.
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Has anyone played the whole game as a duo, trio or full party and clicked though all the conversations together?


Just wondering if you can get to max social doing so (i would assume that would be true, but i've rarely groupped while questing and as a result I was at social ~400).




But I agree, that the socials should be reworked, especially the finishing of quests and handing them over.


There should be some bonus social reward the moment you complete the quest together (or when you help your mate with his bonus, right now you are getting the additional experience when he finishes the bonus [that you've already done or are not eligible for] so why not give some socials as well?)


The same with flashpoints/operations - almost everytime people get those quests on their own and also return on their own. Finishing FP/OPS should grant you some socials.

Edited by FoxNemhauser
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