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Server Transfers: You Can Help Make It Happen - Here's How


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I stopped counting at 6 the number of threads pertaining to both server consolidations and/or server transfers due to population imbalances. Posts in them with links to BioWare's official responses on this issue tend to get buried quickly under doom & gloom spams. So I put this thread together so the info is OP accessible, and will continue to add update links as they come out.


How Can We Help?

Anyone who connects the dots in-game with BioWare's DevTracker, Developer's Blogs and social network trail knows they have been listening to the community. Now BioWare is working on a server transfer solution - and could really use our help to expedite it becoming a reality. They are ramping up live character transfers (copies) to the Public Test Servers as a test bed for in-game server transfers. THEY NEED TESTERS! The more testers they have, the faster and better they can evaluate it. Once dev is comfortable with the system in that environment, they plan to migrate it over to the game. This IS a priority for BW and a chance for the community to really make a difference by helping our own cause.


Test Center: http://www.swtor.com/test-center


Other Important Stuff:

Stephen Reid's podcast interview (from 01/26/12): http://tor-talk.com/exclusive-interview/.

Dev Tracker: http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php

Patch Notes: http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes

Test Server Discussions: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=308



Suggestion Box Forums: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=349

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I stopped counting at 6 the number of threads pertaining to both server consolidations and/or server transfers due to population imbalances. Posts in them with links to BioWare's official responses on this issue tend to get buried quickly under doom & gloom spams. So I put this thread together so the info is OP accessible, and will continue to add update links as they come out.


How Can We Help?

Anyone who connects the dots in-game with BioWare's DevTracker, Developer's Blogs and social network trail knows they have been listening to the community. Now BioWare is working on a server transfer solution - and could really use our help to expedite it becoming a reality. They are ramping up live character transfers (copies) to the Public Test Servers as a test bed for in-game server transfers. THEY NEED TESTERS! The more testers they have, the faster they can evaluate it. Once dev is comfortable with the system in that environment, they plan to migrate it over to the game. This IS a priority for BW and a chance for the community to really make a difference by helping our own cause.


Test Center: http://www.swtor.com/test-center


Other Important Stuff:

Stephen Reid's podcast interview (from 01/26/12): http://tor-talk.com/exclusive-interview/.

Dev Tracker: http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php

Patch Notes: http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes

Test Server Discussions: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=308


One of the better posts of the day. Bump.

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as soon as a character copy is available for the test server i will gladly help test it out.

^ This


BioWare has lost it's ****-ing mind if they think I'm spending my time and energy rerolling on a TEST SERVER. That's just not gonna ****-ing happen. So if they want me to test then they better provide character copies for me to test with.

Edited by Gankstah
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BioWare's Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post:

"If you had one question for BioWare about SWTOR, what would it be?" Here's your chance to be heard on this issue.




(Thread closes Tuesday, February 14th.)

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Now BioWare is working on a server transfer solution - and could really use our help to expedite it becoming a reality. They are ramping up live character transfers (copies) to the Public Test Servers as a test bed for in-game server transfers. THEY NEED TESTERS!


Where exactly did you see anyone talking about server transfers? No such thing at all. Read carefully and don't give people false hope. The copying of your characters to the test servers will be implemented simply to make the testing more appealing to anyone.

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