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Calls for PvP nerfs should always be ignored.


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Anyone who has played an MMORPG with a player vs. player element has seen where they inevitably go once the devs start listening to PvPers. Every interesting skill any class has is sanded down to a nub, until every class is essentially the same, and they're all boring. And screams of "imbalance" continue unabated anyway.


Too many people are just incapable of getting their mind around the fact that they are not actually the Chosen One/A-Number 1 Superstar. Maybe it's because their 'self-esteem' was coddled too much-- I don't know. But when they lose in a game, they will *always* say it's the game's fault.


I don't expect classes to be balanced in PvP. I kind of miss the days when there were universally-acknowledged gimp classes. The really skilled players could find some way to make them work, and when they spanked some Flavor of the Month player who thought he had an "I Win" button, it was actually pretty impressive.

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see i posed about this same freakin issue in WoW, what the devs need to do are multi spec tree's, ok before your pick either 3 of your specs, you would pick the initial spec tree of PVP or PVE, the tree's inside those would be the same type, but different qualities, therefore seperating PVP and PVE COMPLETLY thus rendering this ENTIRE issue moot
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and what i mean to say with the qualities part, is lets say for a merc's arsenal spec, it would still be called arsenal in either pvp or pve tree, but the talent points would be a bit different based on what the player is doing, then Dual spec could revolve around switching between pvp and pve instead of specs within the actual single tree
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MMO developers do not simply look at the forums, sum the total whines against a class, and then nerf it based on that. They use the forums as an indicator of what classes and particular abilities or tactics within classes they should review. They then look at the numbers (numbers we are not privy to) and base their decisions on those numbers.
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see i posed about this same freakin issue in WoW, what the devs need to do are multi spec tree's, ok before your pick either 3 of your specs, you would pick the initial spec tree of PVP or PVE, the tree's inside those would be the same type, but different qualities, therefore seperating PVP and PVE COMPLETLY thus rendering this ENTIRE issue moot


Class mechanics management.


If a class has the ability to remain permanently hidden from sight from players due to a mechanic generally it's not a good idea to give them a knockback and a stun. Just like it's not wise to give a class that has a mechanic to impede all "charge" or gap closer abilities immobilize effects a stun and a knockback.


Bioware class devs have no regard for class design or class mechanics except for the "lets make it look cool" idea of game design.

Edited by wrmrstacrdwower
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I agree 100%


Wheres the fun if every class is the same,its a challenge and more fun if theres powerful classes in the game and makes it more satisfying when you take one out.

Each calss has its strengths and weaknesses and is more than capable of taking out other classes IF YOU USE YOUR HEAD and dont just stand there bashing your buttons like alot of players seem to be doing these days.

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Anyone who has played an MMORPG with a player vs. player element has seen where they inevitably go once the devs start listening to PvPers. Every interesting skill any class has is sanded down to a nub, until every class is essentially the same, and they're all boring. And screams of "imbalance" continue unabated anyway.


Too many people are just incapable of getting their mind around the fact that they are not actually the Chosen One/A-Number 1 Superstar. Maybe it's because their 'self-esteem' was coddled too much-- I don't know. But when they lose in a game, they will *always* say it's the game's fault.


I don't expect classes to be balanced in PvP. I kind of miss the days when there were universally-acknowledged gimp classes. The really skilled players could find some way to make them work, and when they spanked some Flavor of the Month player who thought he had an "I Win" button, it was actually pretty impressive.


This is such an incredibly simplistic approach. There's always imbalances and the devs can certainly try to balance the game. Last patch if I didn't trinket the operative opening stun I would be sitting at 30% health before I was out of it. Now I'm sitting at 60-70%, which is reasonable. Now do I agree they should have been nerfed without gaining a buff elsewhere? No, but the nerf was definitely needed.


It's very hard to balance. A lot of times the devs might not even know where the imbalances lie without community help. Sure there's a lot of senseless QQ posts from baddies, but there's also well thought out posts that explain the imbalances properly.

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I think we should 100percent leave in the game that merc/commandos as healers have heavy armor and on top of that a self buff that increases armor by 10percent off their heals that actually stacks with other merc/commando heals.


There is no reason to nerf that.

Edited by Snaex
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I think we should 100percent leave in the game that merc/commandos as healers have heavy armor and on top of that a self buff that increases armor by 10percent off their heals that actually stacks with other merc/commando heals.


There is no reason to nerf that.


See? There's always a new popular whine. Now that Operatives/Scoundrels have been nerfed, the QQ sites move on to the next target.


And once this one is chopped down, there'll be another, and another, and eventually everyone has been battered into the same bland shape. I do play an Operative and a Scoundrel, so of course those nerfs annoyed me particularly-- but even so, I don't want the process to just progress to the next target.


Sometimes nerfs are in order, of course. But not often. Generally speaking, I think a class should be balanced for PvE, period. If that shakes out to being overpowered or underpowered in PvP, tough noogies.

Edited by PibbyPib
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The formula to good competitive gameplay is supposed to be like a perfectly leveled weighted scale where the winner is determined by who can press the most skill on the scale to tip it in their favor. The real problem with competitive gameplay in MMO's is that there are so many factors to check and correct before the "gameplay scale," if you will, is as level as it can be.


Complaining about the devs trying to fix balance issues and wishing for the quality of the gameplay scale to be as terrible as some other games you might have played isn't a step toward improvement.

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The formula to good competitive gameplay is supposed to be like a perfectly leveled weighted scale where the winner is determined by who can press the most skill on the scale to tip it in their favor. The real problem with competitive gameplay in MMO's is that there are so many factors to check and correct before the "gameplay scale," if you will, is as level as it can be.


Complaining about the devs trying to fix balance issues and wishing for the quality of the gameplay scale to be as terrible as some other games you might have played isn't a step toward improvement.

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