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I Just Want to be a Wookiee


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I'm not saying it has to be right now, I'm not saying they need to be able to be every class. . .I just want to play as a Wookiee. If you're worried I'll get tired of my character's voice acting, don't be, if I get sick of it I'll turn off the sound. Make it an unlockable thing in game, big quest line involving lvling multiple toons to 50, just toss it in.


Any other Wookiee enthusiasts out there?



Me too. :w_cool:

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BioWare said you won't get any playable races that don't speak basic. no I'm not dredging through millions of posts/blogs/etc to find it.


not happening.


Mythic and GW said Trollslayers would never be in Warhammer Online. :eek:


If enough people want them, they'll appear eventually, look at Panderans.

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The way the game is designed now, with companions & storylines, I don't see Wookiees fitting in. They threw it Bowdaar so a Smuggler has a Wookiee companion, as it should be. But if they were to add 'em as playable, they'd need their own storyline (or, at least, a new storyline that could also encompass some other new species too, with companions unique to the new story).


Rodians, tho... we need some. And Sullustans. And both speak Basic (I haven't seen Rodian yet in-game that does, but we see 'em do it in The Clone Wars; and there's at least one Sullustan NPC who speaks basic on Rep Taris)

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I would never want to play any non-Basic (ie English) speaking race in this game. The thought of hearing my character grunt/growl/squeak/beep/fart/etc for 50 levels is enough to make me pull my hair out.


Playing a Wookie in SWG was fine since it was all text-based. Here, it would cause my eardrums to explode.


I don't know, I really enjoy listening to Qyzen Fess rumble out responses to me, I don't think I would find it annoying to play a Trandoshan and listening to them speak all the time. I quite like Qyzen's rumble, I click him all the time just so I can hear him say things.


But I also think I'm weird.

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George Lucas recently stated he never wants anyone to be able to play a Wookie in any Starwars video game.


jk jk


My level 90 wookiee commando from SWG would like to have a word with you.


RIP Ryykykkykkyykykkyk

Edited by Jaick
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My level 90 wookiee commando from SWG would like to have a word with you.


RIP Ryykykkykkyykykkyk


He later said no wookiees can be wookiees in any Star Wars game or movie, however you're still allowed to have wookiee action figures if you own them, only the Ewok ones must be burnt. :D

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woah woah woah.


you can't be a wookie.


wookies can't be the hero of any story. wookies have to be the faithful sidekick, they are genetically designed to be sidekicks.


"but i was a wookie in SWG!!!!"

hate to break it to you, but your SWG wookie wasn't the main character of a story, you were a sidekick. im sorry :(

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woah woah woah.


you can't be a wookie.


wookies can't be the hero of any story. wookies have to be the faithful sidekick, they are genetically designed to be sidekicks.


"but i was a wookie in SWG!!!!"

hate to break it to you, but your SWG wookie wasn't the main character of a story, you were a sidekick. im sorry :(


There was no story in SWG lol.

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Wow cloned, way to be racist against the wookiees.


And Chewbacca wasn't a sidekick in the end. In the end... He was the hero. *salutes the bravest wookiee to ever have lived*


And caused a rift between father and son. :(

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Wow cloned, way to be racist against the wookiees.


And Chewbacca wasn't a sidekick in the end. In the end... He was the hero. *salutes the bravest wookiee to ever have lived*


being space racist is the best part about playing a starwars game.


wookies are nothing more than glorified dogs!

i'm gonna look into getting my sith a wookie slave to fetch my slippers!

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