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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Wither for leveling


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Personally, I'd have to say so. I might be biased (I've played each spec at some point, but primarily leveled full darkness). Once I hit 40, I tried each spec again so see how the top-tier talents felt, and I came right back to Darkness, largely because I liked Wither so much. It is monstrous.
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I am currently leveling a darkness assassin and I think wither is something to consider taking.


It is AOE taunt, aoe slow and damage reduction upto 5 target. Kinda nice to have :)

With threat being so finicky, I will take any skill that will help me to cause more threat.

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Wither is pretty awesome. With the coming addition to the power where it will add a stack of Harnessed Darkness, Wither will be even better.






Accuracy Debuff

and a tick towards your self-heal.


What's not to love.


They're buffing Wither?!



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I'm leveling with Wither too. Though I'm thinking of trying Deception or Madness until 1.1.2 hits.


It's nice when you get it, but it's not the same order of magnitude like Marauder getting Annihilate, for example, where the difference is HUGE because Anni will have 66% chance to also reset Rupture cooldown.


Wither is an OK AoE, and damage reduction is great, but slow is largely meaningless for leveling. Personally I'd just take HD and go for Madness points, you'll get more bang for your buck. And fill out the rest of the Darkness tree in high 40s, if you are just questing/leveling without tanking instances or PvP. For PvP though, Wither is pretty awesome, even the way it is now.

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They're buffing Wither?!




Sort of. It is more along the lines of them fixing something and adjusting something else to compensate, to keep assassins roughly where they are.


Wither gets a bit of a boost, but Energize gets nerfed from a 50% to 30% chance of doing what it does.

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