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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ilum trading needs to stop


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So i am a first time poster, but i feel the need to. Ilum trading is become rampant on my server, EVERY day in the afternoon i see 15-25 reps and 30-50 imps kill trading in either ca or sa. They turn most of the nodes and get 140-200 valor a kill every 3 min, some go to get there dailys done, and some sit there for 3-5 hours trading going from low valor to battlemaster in a matter of hours.


This has got to stop, either make it so you only get credit for a person every 10 min or make it so its only armaments, or something, because ppl that got battlemaster the hard way are being cheated by ppl spending a day in ilum to do the same thing it took us over a month of grinding to do.


Thank you

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So you're mad because someone got battlemaster quicker than you? Why not join them? Are you one of those people with morals?


i am 60 i have no point in trading, plus its cheating, read the rules and conditions you agreed to.


I am waiting for the valor role backs, i wouldnt be suprised if bioware did it.

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So i am a first time poster, but i feel the need to. Ilum trading is become rampant on my server, EVERY day in the afternoon i see 15-25 reps and 30-50 imps kill trading in either ca or sa. They turn most of the nodes and get 140-200 valor a kill every 3 min, some go to get there dailys done, and some sit there for 3-5 hours trading going from low valor to battlemaster in a matter of hours.


This has got to stop, either make it so you only get credit for a person every 10 min or make it so its only armaments, or something, because ppl that got battlemaster the hard way are being cheated by ppl spending a day in ilum to do the same thing it took us over a month of grinding to do.


Thank you


its already on a reduced gain if you kill someone with in i think 3 minutes of killing them it gives you nothing..


i wish we even had pubs out there to trade with at least then i wouldn't have to run circles for armaments for an hour + just for the daily. they come in force maybe 20 of them on wensday on my server rest of the week your lucky to see a group of 2-4....

Edited by Urieaal
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So you're mad because someone got battlemaster quicker than you? Why not join them? Are you one of those people with morals?


It is effectively exploiting... which would net you at the very least a valor roll back to when it was first noticed that you started trading... at the worst a perma ban.

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It is effectively exploiting... which would net you at the very least a valor roll back to when it was first noticed that you started trading... at the worst a perma ban.


thats right, and i wish they would get on those to stop this problem. i mean getting 5k valor every 3 min is a little noticeable dont you think? I mean a good game i get 1500-1800 and that takes around 20-25 min with que and pregame.

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i just with bioware would say something about it, or the current state of ilum, i mean i spend most of my time on ilum trying my best to mess up kill trading, worked earlier today, got a second op going and killed them every time they went to cap a location, so no bonuses for them.


And the funniest/worst thing about it is the amount of hate i got on general about it.


Hey we are kill trading!!!


Ya guess what? I am ilum pvping, lol that's what i am supposed to do while i am here, getting my daily done and killing reps on site!

Edited by Cpt_Bishop
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"i just with bioware would say something about it, or the current state of ilum, i mean i spend most of my time on ilum trying my best to mess up kill trading, worked earlier today, got a second op going and killed them every time they went to cap a location, so no bonuses for them."


- So instead of doing legit pvp or kill trading, you take a 3rd route? Kill all the people who stand there thinking you are going to trade and then run off? Yeah cool dude. I bet you got your BM while the WZ were still 10-50. Killing all those 10-49 non-geared individuals in WZ at a 8:6 ratio is a real grind.

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"i just with bioware would say something about it, or the current state of ilum, i mean i spend most of my time on ilum trying my best to mess up kill trading, worked earlier today, got a second op going and killed them every time they went to cap a location, so no bonuses for them."


- So instead of doing legit pvp or kill trading, you take a 3rd route? Kill all the people who stand there thinking you are going to trade and then run off? Yeah cool dude. I bet you got your BM while the WZ were still 10-50. Killing all those 10-49 non-geared individuals in WZ at a 8:6 ratio is a real grind.


nope i hit bm last week thank you every much.


and no i am killing the ppl standing there trading, i am killing the ppl killing the crawlers so they dont get bonus valor if they want to trade.

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