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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

East/West vs Left/Right


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So after PVPing since beta ive noticed that no one can agree weather to use right/left or east/west. Me and my friends are in agreement that east/west work best for vent since its not a relative position but a cardinal direction based on the mini map. However while in warzones ive seen people literally flame others for using east and west saying things like "USE LEFT AND RIGHT NOOB" and other more berating things so i wonder what is the advantage of left/right over east/west that makes people so aggravated when people use the other??


Also which do you the forum community favor??

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most people pug so this topic is moot guilds & premades will have their own way of directing their team.

open map look whats going on help team = best you can hope for when people are like left right west im like who the f are you telling me what to do im a PuG *****es!

Hardcores how i roll!

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If you go by left / right, there will always be people thinking this is from player POV, while the other part will think this is from the radar's perspective.


If you go by West / East, no one should misunderstand, last i checked no matter where i'm facing West and East didn't move.


So, yea, West and East. From the radar. Obviously.

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If you wanna be a jerk,left /right is more accurate since you dont know where north is!however both should be the same since everyone can get the point even if its not accurate!


I would call left right anyway since there are people that dont know where east is let alone a false east

Edited by tsupra
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east/west is fine and it's actually how it should be


and if anyone bothers you, you're welcome to gently explain them with a quick short response filled with all the verbal violence and contempt you can muster on how childish and generally relative to position left and right are

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So, yea, West and East. From the radar. Obviously.


Well you could say left /right from the radar obviously and obtain the same result!


The key is as a poster above said to use the most common termine for your server,if grass /snow makes the trick then that you should call

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Well you could say left /right from the radar obviously and obtain the same result!


The key is as a poster above said to use the most common termine for your server,if grass /snow makes the trick then that you should call


Sure, you could, but can you be sure the other people playing will know what you mean? No.

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Sure, you could, but can you be sure the other people playing will know what you mean? No.


it applies the same as when you are saying west /east from randar,witch has no sense afterall cause determining east/west isnt the radar but the north


edit:it is obvious that when you say left/ right you mean it in perspective of your starting point and not on the silly position that you may have assumped at that certain instant!you could even not have a turrent at your left/right just saying..

Edited by tsupra
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On my server, I always hear right and left. Occasionally I'll see "R" and "L" used.


From the republic point of view, the only time it gets confusing is with Voidstart defense.


in voidstar can create confusion but in civil war is quite easy actually!hell,i ve even seen help!! in chat and knew where is needed because i was defending a turret and there were no enemies there!if someone gets bugged with left/right,grass/snow or east/west is probably chasing that sorc to the limits of the map

Edited by tsupra
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On my server, I always hear right and left. Occasionally I'll see "R" and "L" used.


From the republic point of view, the only time it gets confusing is with Voidstart defense.


This is the real problem imo. In voidstar the left/right may become confusing. The best thing is giving names or colors to turrets and doors. BW should look into it.

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So after PVPing since beta ive noticed that no one can agree weather to use right/left or east/west. Me and my friends are in agreement that east/west work best for vent since its not a relative position but a cardinal direction based on the mini map. However while in warzones ive seen people literally flame others for using east and west saying things like "USE LEFT AND RIGHT NOOB" and other more berating things so i wonder what is the advantage of left/right over east/west that makes people so aggravated when people use the other??


Also which do you the forum community favor??


Well heres how i look at it. all the maps are set directions north south east west never changes... i haven't seen any one say left and right noob but you should defiantly be using north south east and west otherwise ya i would consider a person using left right a nub, As well as very ignorant.


Also i've found on Lord praven my server, that folks get confused by the left and right, every one looks at it from there point of view so some people say left and others think there at left... east west north south works.. use it.

Edited by Urieaal
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