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Annihilation spec commentary vid inc pvp


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Hey all, the last video of the 3 spec vids is up.

This one is designed to help those have a look and idea into the annihilation spec and a quick overview of the class in general in pvp.


Hope it helps, its aimed primarily at everyone who enjoys the class..

I'm not a min/maxer so those of you who are looking for 3xA play won't find much here.


Hope you enjoy


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I watched the first couple of minutes as you explained your spec and the reasons for it.

I have to agree/disagree on the talents you picked and / did not pick.


Cauterise applying a 30% movement speed debuff, useful because against classes that don't/cant kite) you save 2 rage and a GCD to do other things.


Transendance speed buff is already fast enough, why move talents into it? i disagree with that choice.


Rupture is elemental damage and does more damage per rage than other abilities. Also crits heal you, continuous dots proc more rage from empowerment. So procing it to come off cooldown is a must imo. Don't forget it lasts 6 seconds on a 15 second cooldown. We also get loads of talents to improve it's damage.


You didnt put 1 point into cloak of carnage. why? that ability should be up 100% in pvp when your being hit on. You only need 1 point because when your being hit, its incredibly likely that you'll proc it once very 3 sec with a 50% chance. Your swimming in rage then.


for a pvp build, you've not taken defensive forms. Which is an absolute must because it grants you internal/elemental resistance. But most importantly, grants 2 rage mechanic when being hit. Berserk only procs 6 dot crits. so anything to get it up and going again is a must. WE MUST CRIT :p


I agree with the slash attempt in the rage tree. But myself, i don't use slash enough to make it worth the extra points. In pvp you should be using deadly throw more and only using slash for rage dump. In 1v1 the defensive proc. Retaliate or whatever, you should be using that too to increase damage per second when other main attacks are on cd. In 1v1.


5 yard range on force leap. I'm not sure about this because when your on a healer, you don't have time to walk back for interrupt #2. Should keep it at 0 range imo.



Overall. From the video i personally thought you didn't understand the class enough from the skills chosen.


But i respect the effort and thank you for making the video anyway.





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I watched the first couple of minutes as you explained your spec and the reasons for it.

I have to agree/disagree on the talents you picked and / did not pick.


Cauterise applying a 30% movement speed debuff, useful because against classes that don't/cant kite) you save 2 rage and a GCD to do other things.


Generally explained, I went with this talent for a few days and found it a waste of points i could put elsewhere - saving 2 rage really isn't an issue, people don't get away from me 90% of the time unless they themselves are using all push-backs/stealth and speed ability in doing so.. and if they do, having cripple up on the target gives you much needed *catch* time... its a choice and a very valid one imo.


Transendance speed buff is already fast enough, why move talents into it? i disagree with that choice.


I don't know how you couldn't find this useful - 80% movement speed has saved my *** 5x more then the standard 50%.. its about distance v recovery time.. as i don't rely on pots, so getting the maximum amount of range in the shortest amount of time is a massive buff in the solo pvp play for this class


Rupture is elemental damage and does more damage per rage than other abilities. Also crits heal you, continuous dots proc more rage from empowerment. So procing it to come off cooldown is a must imo. Don't forget it lasts 6 seconds on a 15 second cooldown. We also get loads of talents to improve it's damage.


I still believe this is more pve orientated but that doesn't mean I don't see its use.. but to keep the spec down 31 talents, something has to give and imo this is the one.


You didnt put 1 point into cloak of carnage. why? that ability should be up 100% in pvp when your being hit on. You only need 1 point because when your being hit, its incredibly likely that you'll proc it once very 3 sec with a 50% chance. Your swimming in rage then.


As explained in the video, I don't actually get the opportunity to use retaliation as often as i would like (this is based on about 400 bg's).. even on reflecting over the video it procs maybe 2-3 times in a 15 min match? The ability itself is far too situational to bother putting any points into when solo queing, and if you're often enough in a situation where your being attacked and you do get to use it.. then you'll be hoping to kill your opponent well before 30 seconds, to which you would be recovering anyway for the time it takes anyway for this talent to be of any use.


for a pvp build, you've not taken defensive forms. Which is an absolute must because it grants you internal/elemental resistance. But most importantly, grants 2 rage mechanic when being hit. Berserk only procs 6 dot crits. so anything to get it up and going again is a must. WE MUST CRIT :p


Defensive forms grants fury, not rage, which is certainly not lacking in the annihilation spec.

As for the damage reduction, more of a personal prefrance, the way I see it, its 4% reduction versus 15% crit on vicious slash, i use Vic Slash quite a lot as a rage dump so my choice, doesn't make it a bad one :)


In pvp you should be using deadly throw more and only using slash for rage dump. In 1v1 the defensive proc. Retaliate or whatever, you should be using that too to increase damage per second when other main attacks are on cd. In 1v1.


Both situational.. deadly throw is one of our lowest damaging ability's, its only true use is to reduce healing on a target and not by much either and so I use it when ever I suspect the target is/will be receiving heal.


5 yard range on force leap. I'm not sure about this because when your on a healer, you don't have time to walk back for interrupt #2. Should keep it at 0 range imo.


Point choice, tree tier-ing requirement and old habbits ;) something about charging a target while sitting on a target doesn't sit well.





Hope this clears it up, thanks for your feedback though <3

Edited by Heraseth
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Why people take 3% accuracy: for offhand attacks, they have only 60% hit chance and that's extra what? 300 damage missing out on Annihilate and every other skill?


What I don't get, why people are taking 6% extra crit for Force Scream and Force Choke.


Okay for you it's kinda justified - you love Vicious Slash. I spend that rage on Rupture every 6 seconds which does more damage and heals you and gives you rage. Playstyle preference.

Edited by Deviltreh
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Why people take 3% accuracy: for offhand attacks, they have only 60% hit chance and that's extra what? 300 damage missing out on Annihilate and every other skill?


What I don't get, why people are taking 6% extra crit for Force Scream and Force Choke.


Okay for you it's kinda justified - you love Vicious Slash. I spend that rage on Rupture every 6 seconds which does more damage and heals you and gives you rage. Playstyle preference.


From what i've read accuracy isn't remotely that powerful over 100%

As for Malice, DoTs are Internal Damage, based on Force Power and there for utilize Force Crit, so its not really just for force scream and force choke which makes it very useful for annihilation :) more so then accuracy.


Source - http://sithwarrior.com/forums/Thread-Annihilation-Watchmen-Compendium


I don't quite understand what you are trying to say with your last point, I use rupture on every cd?, which is a 15 seconds cd to what i've read. With pulvurize talented its rng based which may or may not reset the timer, and should it reset after the use of annihilate/vicious slash? Then there's a very high chance I'll just be re-applying it over an existing rupture, wasting rage and losing damage.. I generally try to avoid RNG based talents.

Edited by Heraseth
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From what i've read accuracy isn't remotely that powerful over 100%

As for Malice, DoTs are Internal Damage, based on Force Power and there for utilize Force Crit, so its not really just for force scream and force choke which makes it very useful for annihilation :) more so then accuracy.


Source - http://sithwarrior.com/forums/Thread-Annihilation-Watchmen-Compendium


Inquisitors have a base Defense chance of 10%. Unless you want to get parried over and over by Sorcs/Sages/Assassins/Consulars you'll want a bit of Accuracy. However, the talent isn't worth it.

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Inquisitors have a base Defense chance of 10%. Unless you want to get parried over and over by Sorcs/Sages/Assassins/Consulars you'll want a bit of Accuracy. However, the talent isn't worth it.


Yes but do you think its worth it enough to go over 100%?

Edited by Heraseth
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