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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Best for getting Commendations


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I'm lvl 48 and currently doing really well in the pre-50 bracket, as is probably to be expected. What is better for earning WZ faster?


Should I PVP as much as possible before 50 since I am doing well? Or am i better off just getting to 50 a few days earlier and starting the dailies?


My overall goal, of course, is to get lvl 50 pvp gear the fastest.


Thanks in advanced

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You can buy a single champion bag before you hit 50, so you should buy one, and then farm wz's so you have 1000 merc coms and 1000 wz comm by the time you hit 50, then you can purchase 5 more bags right off the bat.


But when I did that I got nothing...so good luck! :D

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PvP to 50, and max out on Warzone/Mercenary commendations (1000/1000). When you do that, get a single champion bag and keep it in your inventory, then max out again. When you hit 50 you can get 6 champion bags + 2 from that daily + 6 from the weeklies if you can finish them quick enough.


RNG might not make it possible, but you could get lucky.

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After some more research, I found that you get:


1 Champion Bag a day

3 Champion Bag a week



Assume that I am getting 40 more WZ comm per match than if i were a crappy geared 50, i would have to do 20 matches a day just to break even on the whole bag a day deal, not to mention the other dailies I'm not doing.


Now I'm thinkin I should focus on getting to 50.


Is my logic wrong here?

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Is my logic wrong here?


Yes. Don't focus on getting to 50. Do all in your power NOT to get to 50. Make an alt. Make a lot of alts. Level 50 right now is a horrible place to be. Hardly any content, horribly unbalanced PVP and RNG bags. Don't do it. Save yourself pain and aggravation.

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