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20% ignore targets armor vs. 100% armor penetration.


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So what are your thoughts on these two skills (gore being in the carnage spec - 100% armor penetration for 6 seconds) or 20% ignore target's armor (Rage spec). Is there a difference?


What does better sustained dmg?


need some input - thanks.

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Rage is centered around the smash ability, but doesn't every other spec have a keystone ability it uses?


I suppose to answer the question that was asked you would have to look at how often you are getting your 100% penetration buff and decide which in the longer run is best. Every attack doing 20% or 100% on cool down.


From what I have read, enough ppl believe carnage is the weakest tree. But that is for you to decide.

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The main thing about Gore is that your two main damaging abilities with Carnage - Scream and Ravage - can both go off during it. It also allows you to time Adrenals/Relics for maximum burst potential.


As I've said before, though, comparing two higher-tier talents from two different trees isn't a very smart thing to do.


Rage's Armor Pen is passive and therefore affects everything. Gore, like I explained above, is a key component in Carnage's damage dealing. Saying which one is better than the other outside the context of each spec is futile.

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My advice for you is to find a spec you are comfortable with and enjoy playing. I haven't heard of a lot of people rolling Carnage, mostly Annihilation. I myself play Rage and I haven't rolled into any issue with a lack of dps. People will tell you its not good, but we won't know until we get some numbers. With the upcoming buff to Anni dots, it seems that it will be the spec to play with in theory.
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