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[SPOILERS] End of Smuggler Prologue


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So, as we all know, at the beginning of a Smugglers story his/her starship gets stolen by a very naughty man. You then chase said naughty man across Ord Mantell and to Coruscant.


I've so far levelled a Consular to 35, which many people say is one of the worst story-wise, and quite enjoyed it. I've also got a Knight through the Prologue. However, while I've been enjoying my Smuggler a fair bit, especially some of the cocky dialogue options, I just finished the Prologue and I have a, well, complaint.


As soon as my starship got nicked I knew that no matter how many DS points I would end up getting, the man who stole it was going to die. I chased his butt till I finally caught up with him trying to fob off a fake ruby on a bunch of Imperial scumbags. There's a few nice lines of dialogue and then he... runs off? I didn't even get the option to shoot him in the back when there's clearly no threat being made to me by the Imperials at that moment, and he's not exactly running fast or trying to dodge! No matter, I haven't found my ship yet but now I have the mission to go to the hangar where he plans to meet his contact, who has never been mentioned throughout the entire length of the Prologue so far.


So I get to the hangar and find said contact, who I don't know from Adam and have not heard anything about before. A fight ensues. I beat him down, and he... gives me my starship. No sign of the evil little so-and-so who stole it originally!


Now I know that there's more story involving him as I've been through the opening section of Chapter 1, but couldn't Bioware have found a different antagonist for that bit? I feel like I was led up the garden path, because everything up to that point promised a great confrontation with the evil scumbag where I would be able to satisfyingly end his life and reclaim my ship at the same time.


Instead I get a no-more-difficult-than-other-elite-fights battle with some nobody that just appears for that section. I must admit I felt deeply let down at that point. Maybe I misunderstood or had too-high expectations, but it made me feel so bitter I'm not sure I want to bother playing that character for a while.


With the Consular, after leaving Tython you spent the entirety of Coruscant basically setting yourself up for what was coming in the rest of Chapter 1. With the Smuggler, you spent the entire Prologue chasing after your starship and the man who stole it only to have a completely new mission dropped on you when you do get the ship back that was only marginally hinted at with one or two minor dialogue lines while doing the quests.


I don't know if there's really a point to this thread other than to say... could have been better.

Edited by Xerihae
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That the bad guy escapes is your motivation for Chapter 1. If you had killed him, there would be no continuity. Skavak is the story. Prologue is the personal arc of reclaiming your ship. The rest is... the rest of it. Don't forget that you still have a price on your head.
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