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Is it logical to connect someone from the Clone Wars to your current character?


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I'm wondering because I'm trying to think of a cool Legacy name, but I can't think of any for my Mirialan Jedi. So I go to Wookipedia and search up notable Mirialan, and there are two from the Clone Wars. Is it logical to make their last name mine, as the Clone Wars takes place about 1000 years after the time of this game. Would this be breaking lore or something? Thanks.
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Almost 3000 actually.


But it wouldn't be too bad I suppose. Could be a common Mirialan surname. Actually connecting your character to the other through family is somewhat iffy.


if he did that he'd have to say something like "in 3000 years i will have two geatx10-grand daughters name blahblah who fought in the clone wars with..."

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Personally I'd be careful not to use any canon names at all. Not sure if it's lorebreaking or not in your case cos I've never heard of any relatives for either Luminara Unduli or Barriss Offee (assuming those were the two Mirialan you meant). Use them if you wish I guess but my opinion would be to try and build a whole new Legacy, with your own authentic name.


This name generator for example is quite good actually, for both first and last names. Give it a couple of goes and see if it's any help! :)



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Wish there were better naming guides out there for the playable races. No clue what last name I should give to my Miraluka.


Finding it slightly ironic that for WoW I could find a lot of info about how all the races were usually named, but not for Star Wars, despite it having way more lore!

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