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Diminshing returns on Crit?


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Level 50 trooper running hard modes PvE here...7/31/3 spec (thinking about changing to 5/31/5). I have First Responder, but I am starting to believe ALACRITY is useless for a DPS trooper. Would move those 2 points to soldier's endurance (+1% END). But on to my main question.


Does anyone have any idea what the max crit % should be without suffering diminishing returns? I've heard its 30% for Willpower users, but what about Aim users? I'm generally using all rank 50-51 mods. My order of preference is crit/accuracy/surge (and then power maybe...). I want to replace some crit mods with power mods, but not sure if it is the right thing to do.




Here are my stats-


End - 1262 (15116 hit points buffed)

Aim - 1555

Damage - 631.8 - 881.8

Bonus damage - 339.8 (125 POWER)

Accuracy - 100.6% (is it true that bosses have a -5% accuracy modifier? I would think 105% here would be best)

Crit Chance - (+458 crit rating) 36.28% (I have heard that 30% should be a cap here, but I have been shooting for 35%, is it worth it?)

Crit Multiplier - (+117 surge) 68.84%


Please share your builds and thoughts...

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There is no such thing as a soft-cap in SWTOR.


There are hard-caps, which is to say you can only reach 30% Crit chance from Crit rating (just from the rating, Aim and Cunning have separate 30% caps, and skills and buffs are added after that). You can only reach 50% Surge from Surge rating (For 100% total). And, you can never "quite" reach those caps, as they are limits on a logarithmic function. You can approach them, but you will never get there.



Power, and the Bonus Healing/Damage from your primary stat (Aim), are the only non-DR stats in the game. If you start to feel like your return on crit is fading, Power is always a good choice.


To get an exact answer, you will probably need to wait on someone to create a Gunnery calculator. I've been bouncing around the idea of making one to mirror my Combat Medic one, but I don't play Gunnery so it hasn't been a high priority, plus I don't have as good of a feel for the procs and rotations.


To get a general feel for how much return you are getting on your crit rating, plug it into the following formula. It may look scary, but if you just copy and past it into Excel or a Google Docs spreadsheet and replace the "CritRating" with your current gear, you will get an answer.


= (30 * ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 0.01 / 0.3 ) )^( ( (CritRating+1) / 50 ) / 0.45 ) )-30 * ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 0.01 / 0.3 ) )^( ( CritRating / 50 ) / 0.45 ) ))/30 * ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 0.01 / 0.3 ) )^( ( 1/ 50 ) / 0.45 ) )


In English, that is the crit chance you get from adding 1 Crit rating now (ie current Return), divided by the crit rating you would get by going from 0 to 1 crit rating (ie, no DR Return). If the end result is 0.5, you are getting half the benefit from crit as you did when you put on your first points of it.


However, this does not anything about the value of crit vs other stats, and considering how it interacts with regen and the huge surge boost to FA, it may be worthwhile to stack crit past the 50% DR point. 50% is simply an arbitrary point we attribute value to because it is easy to understand. Until a Gunnery calculator exists, it is up to you to determine what point to switch to other stats.

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The only stat, that dont has the "diminishing returns" is power. So i would prefer this for a gunner.


BUT you have to seperate gain from stats and from skills.


For ALACRITY for example:

You can get a max of 30% from the alacrity value on items. Just an example about the lower gain:

alacrity 200 = 6,56%

alacrity 400 = 11,68%

alacrity 800 = 18,81%

alacrity 1600 = 25,83%

alacrity 2400 = 28,44%

alacrity 3200 = 29,42%

alacrity 4000 = 29,78%


But haste from skills or set boni or whatever are just added to it. So a Trooper could reach a haste value of 39% at max. 30% from alacrity, 4% from Weapon Calibrtion and 5% from First Responder.

And knowing this, the 5% from FR are alot more worth, if you want to get faster cast rate.


But at the current system i would go all the way with power.


About the 30% cap you heard at crit, its per factor. You have a cap of 30% from your main stat, 30% from crit stat, 30% from secondary stat.

Your 36,28% split up in:

5% base

14,96% from crit stat

10,32% from Aim

6% from Field Training (i would guess you have it at 3).


So you can, theoricaly, get a value of 68% crit. With 10000 Aim and 2800 crit stat......

No idea if i misses out any other stats. Like flat crit chance from items or set boni.

But these numbers make the 15% crit chance for Grav round from the set alot more worth.

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I posted above saying there are no soft caps. This is still true for every stat except one.


This is a plot I made of HPS and AP+MP cast counts vs Alacrity for Combat Medics. I can't make any statement about DPS Commandos, but it looks pretty clear that there is a cap at 315 beyond which we lose significantly, and an ideal peak at 140-165.


More detailed discussion has been added to the Combat Medic guide thread.

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