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Modding losses?


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How much do I lose out if I mod the hooded light armour for stats for a marauder whilst levelling? Also does anyone know of some black moddable trousers at low Level?


Its only armor, and it won't affect you much. You don't lose any stat aside from armor. I raid with a modded piece instead of a rakata (still all 58 mods) because its better for my gear level than the rakata piece.

Edited by Nessirin
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Obviously this is going to be based on your level, if you stop and think for 5 seconds. We can't tell you without knowing specifics.


At level 10, lets say heavy armor gives you 100 and light gives you 80. Then at level 20, heavy gives you 180 and light gives you 140. (just making these numbers up). See?


The fact is, it'll be less. At 40-something, I calculated swapping my medium chest for a light chest and changing nothing else would cost me about 100-200 armor, which is like slightly less than 1% damage mitigation. That isn't a huge deal.


If its just the chest piece (and you should be able to get away with medium for other things, chest determines MOST of your look) then it isn't a huge hit. You aren't tanking anyways.


I think the PVP vendor has some level 20 pants that look okay. Pants are hard to find in medium (lots of dresses!). Check the GTN? At least if you wear agent pants it won't be as obvious that they're not marauder gear, pants are pants.




Really sad though, that this is what it comes to. Marauder itemization got messed up big time.

Edited by miliways
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