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Oceanic Servers


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Who here will be moving to the Oceanic servers once they go live (In March)? Or will you continue playing on the server you're currently on?


I've been told mixed stories about being able to transfer your already made characters to the Oceanic servers once they go live. Maybe I was just told that since it seemed reasonable, however I just received an e-mail from a Protocol Droid stating that character transfers will not be available. :(


I'm currently on a USEAST server running between 200-300+ms, and was hoping to move to the Oceanic servers when they go live so I can get under 100ms...

Edited by ToxinFett
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Quoted from gameplanet.co.nz


"BioWare and Electronic Arts are aiming to launch Star Wars: The Old Republic in New Zealand and Australia around the 1st of March, 2012.


It also appears that the MMO will have local servers."




I have my hopes up.

Edited by ToxinFett
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