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Magball - Future Huttball variation?


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As I was hunting those dreadful datacrons, I took a moment to read the description on my MGGS. (If you're unfamiliar, it's bought on Alderaan for one datacron there, another on Corellia, as well as the +10 to all stats one.) It says the following:

The Magnetically Guided Grappling System or MGGS is standard Magball equipment. Magball is a competitive sport where opposing teams fight for control of a magnetised ball which can be scored in the opposing teams goal. The MGGS can also be used to move the player around the arena by targeting the various magnetic points that are setup.

This sport of Magball seems to have very similar basics as Huttball. Now why would that be added in the description - random addition or easter egg?


Either way, I wanted to create this thread as a topic of discussion. To get started, I'll opt to pose a few questions aimed toward the community's opinion.

  • Do you think this is a possibility for future content? We know BioWare is fond of their creation of Huttball, so more maps/variations could come, perhaps this is one of them?
  • Regardless of outcome, would you like to see something like this? Not just future Huttball maps, but sort of a twist in the game mode?
  • If something like this were to be put into the game, how do you think it would work out? Perhaps some 'magnetic pulling' abilities for players to simulate the Sage's 'Rescue'/Sorcerer's 'Extrication' or Guardian's 'Guardian Leap'/Juggernaut's 'Intercede'..?
  • What additions or changes would you like to see made to Hutball in the future?

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  • 4 months later...

OP, you could very well be correct in your assessment.


I always assumed that Huttball was intended to be Magball originally but it got drastically altered and the magnet aspect removed, and the item description never changed to match.


I could be wrong - it'd be cool to see what kind of future changes to Huttball are in store for the future.

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  • 1 year later...
I would love this if they have fixed the MGGS since the last time I used it (which was quite a while ago on the Fatman if not earlier). I would use it, shoot over to the target and then teleport back to where I started. So if it still does that I would hate having to use it. If it works reliably now it would probably be pretty fun.
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