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Sexiest male companion?


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Oh god.. what are you masochistic or something? Those must be the two frustrating romances in the game.

Agreed! My first attempt at the actual in-game romance was with Quinn which was frustrating enough but not as bad as when I wanted to romance Torian but couldn't due to levelling a male (my first imp) char. That was sucky, knowing same-gender options wouln't be coming any time soon, then the whole Mako thing and just generally having him act all buddy-buddy, not being able to do anything romance-wise. I rolled a female BH but gave up at level 9 lol.


I did at times think of trying Doc but I just couldn't bring myself to it XD

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@ Crezelle, how goes the kitty conquering?


still on hoth. still nothing. still compelled to try, as all my other husbands don't talk to my toons anymore >:(

if anyones on giraadaa, and wants to power my trooper to act 3 so i can get that cat in the bag... i'd be one thankful girl with lots of crafting mats for trade (i'd say creds...but grandma smurf just induldged in a rocket pack.... she wears a marauder body piece so she has a cape...by night she is Secret Agent Blue Booty... by day she is SUPER SMURF )

Edited by Crezelle
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still on hoth. still nothing. still compelled to try, as all my other husbands don't talk to my toons anymore >:(

if anyones on giraadaa, and wants to power my trooper to act 3 so i can get that cat in the bag... i'd be one thankful girl with lots of crafting mats for trade (i'd say creds...but grandma smurf just induldged in a rocket pack.... she wears a marauder body piece so she has a cape...by night she is Secret Agent Blue Booty... by day she is SUPER SMURF )


You poor deprived thing. I know how it feels. I did the end of Act 2 at level 39 (Troopers are so hax, we can totally do that!). I also did Aric's last quest at level 44. It was marked for 47, but it was easy.


Rocket pack is indeed awesome. :)

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You poor deprived thing. I know how it feels. I did the end of Act 2 at level 39 (Troopers are so hax, we can totally do that!). I also did Aric's last quest at level 44. It was marked for 47, but it was easy.


Rocket pack is indeed awesome. :)


just finished the gauntlet


so freaking hard to do when everyone else is undergeared..oh well, was tempted to try different combos of comps to see the ending, i sent out the droid and nurse zombie- er elara lol.


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well I was an idiot - when it asked me if I wanted to send Aric to help Elara and Fourex do whatever it was, I thought oh yes, I will send him and get him back before the final fight. WELL. It didn't work that way, he stayed there with Elara and Fourex - having not read spoilers and having never done the instance before I had no idea he would stay with the two I sent off to the bridge for that entire time...My god, I had to use a very undergeared Tanno for the final fight and it kicked my arse. However I was determined for nookie so I went back to fleet, geared Tanno up and completed the final fight. Got Jorgan back, Elara was out of action for a while and the rest as they say, was history.



I actually found the instance to be very fun. I can do it all again in 10 levels. Sigh.

Edited by Taalbert
can't type worth a damn
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Oh my goodness, just met Lord Draahg, I'd swap him for Pierce in a heartbeat :( He looks like Quinn on steroids...


I'd swap out Quinn for Draahg but there's no way I'd swap out Pierce. Give my girl both Pierce AND Draahg for romance and let my girl just enjoy them both like she deserves. :)

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well I was an idiot - when it asked me if I wanted to send Aric to help Elara and Fourex do whatever it was, I thought oh yes, I will send him and get him back before the final fight. WELL. It didn't work that way, he stayed there with Elara and Fourex - having not read spoilers and having never done the instance before I had no idea he would stay with the two I sent off to the bridge for that entire time...My god, I had to use a very undergeared Tanno for the final fight and it kicked my arse. However I was determined for nookie so I went back to fleet, geared Tanno up and completed the final fight. Got Jorgan back, Elara was out of action for a while and the rest as they say, was history.



I actually found the instance to be very fun. I can do it all again in 10 levels. Sigh.



if you re-arrange it, does jorgan get wounded instead?


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I'd swap out Quinn for Draahg but there's no way I'd swap out Pierce. Give my girl both Pierce AND Draahg for romance and let my girl just enjoy them both like she deserves. :)


Hmm.. I'm the opposite of you, I'll take me a Quinn and a Draahg.


@ Crezelle



Yes. I was very sad because I ended up being kittyless for a few missions. I almost cried when I found out I got him hurt. :(

That and he was pretty much the ONLY companion I ran around with on my femtrooper.


Edited by Kalterien
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Hmm.. I'm the opposite of you, I'll take me a Quinn and a Draahg.


@ Crezelle



Yes. I was very sad because I ended up being kittyless for a few missions. I almost cried when I found out I got him hurt. :(

That and he was pretty much the ONLY companion I ran around with on my femtrooper.


i'f were gonna think like this... i'll take em all... except doc

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In that case, I'll take a Quinn, a Draahg, a Jorgan and a Vector. Blizz will round them out or Khem-khem. :D


That's only because those are the boys I know the best. Haven't actually encountered Doc yet and Blizz technically but he's a Jawa so ...

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In that case, I'll take a Quinn, a Draahg, a Jorgan and a Vector. Blizz will round them out or Khem-khem. :D


That's only because those are the boys I know the best. Haven't actually encountered Doc yet and Blizz technically but he's a Jawa so ...


waiter, i'll have what she's having, with a side of saganu <3

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Oh crap.. forgot about that hottie... that hot hot piece of Chiss man.....


how could you forget about that smurfalicious piece of blue lovvin?!


..... last night i dreamed i was in a store looking for green tea ice cream......

i need a new hobby.

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how could you forget about that smurfalicious piece of blue lovvin?!


..... last night i dreamed i was in a store looking for green tea ice cream......

i need a new hobby.


You and me both hun, you and me both.....


I decided to level a second war and said screw the JK for now.... I miss Quinn...

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*cheers!* he's still a cutie though... don't diss the kitty!


of course not, and his non FTB scenes are still very cute... just that one with vector was indeed very moving ~

poor ship droid... all that fur to clean up ....

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of course not, and his non FTB scenes are still very cute... just that one with vector was indeed very moving ~

poor ship droid... all that fur to clean up ....


It's almost as bad on the SW ship with Broonie... all that fur. Good thing the ship droid is made for that sort of task.

So close to Balmorra, so close....

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It's almost as bad on the SW ship with Broonie... all that fur. Good thing the ship droid is made for that sort of task.

So close to Balmorra, so close....


yeah but broonie doesn't get chunks ripped out from aggressive manhandling XD


still... theres 2 people on my list i'm never letting in my hot tub if i ever get the option to have one installed in my ships. ( all my credits... ALL my credits if it became available)

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poor ship droid... all that fur to clean up ....


My ship droid was created just to clean up fur! And clean it up he does.


I missed my kitty so much when I started levelling my SW that I made another trooper for the kitty fix. Although Quinn has been quite delightful so far, in his own special awkward flustery way. I am only at Nar Shaddaa level though on my SW. Long road ahead.


And Crez don't worry about odd dreams. Is it wrong to have a dream of Aric and then wake up to my RL cat sitting on my chest purring in my face - trying to wake me up? Yeah, probably. lol. Some weird kind of RL dream crossover happening there. I need serious help.:o

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My ship droid was created just to clean up fur! And clean it up he does.


I missed my kitty so much when I started levelling my SW that I made another trooper for the kitty fix. Although Quinn has been quite delightful so far, in his own special awkward flustery way. I am only at Nar Shaddaa level though on my SW. Long road ahead.


And Crez don't worry about odd dreams. Is it wrong to have a dream of Aric and then wake up to my RL cat sitting on my chest purring in my face - trying to wake me up? Yeah, probably. lol. Some weird kind of RL dream crossover happening there. I need serious help.:o


i miss my cat... 18 years of pure awesome that thing was. orange toms are the best cats ever.

miss my honeybee so much, yuun is a pleasant simmilarity..even tho his face still reminds me of a certain thing ..with a beercan shoved in it. tell me it dont look like that

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omg what a handsome man! He looks so much like the orange tom I had when growing up, but mine had both eyes - and not many teeth.


let me tell you, he was the handsomest, gentlemanliest, biggest personalityest cat ever

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