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Do you guys use pure PVE or PVP gear in warzones?


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Like, I have a healthy mix of champ and columi gear. Champ chest, columi legs and boots, one columi saber, one champ saber, mixed implants, ect.


But I also have some champ gear I can throw in instead of some of my columi pieces. The only thing is, they often have like 20 less strength / less crit and surge, but with the added bonus of expertise. Is it worth sacrificing bits of strength, crit, surge, ect here and there for the expertise?

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I popped a lot of champion gear when I first started pvping after I hit 50. So I have Implants, Ear, braces, chest, legs, helm, MH, OH. My gloves are rakata, columi boots and PvE relics. If I had all champ gear I would have it on, besides relics. Expertise not only helps our damage but it gives sents mor survivability. I can win almost all 2v1s without much problem. I would suggest going full PvP if its available to you.
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Survivability wise, its better to sacrifice the damage output. Some will tell you that they have no problems using pve gear mixed in with some pvp, but generally you will be better off just using all pvp gear in pvp environments.
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