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Server Population Surge Tonight


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I don't know if you guys have noticed, but it seems as though every server tonight is either Standard, Heavy, Very Heavy or Full.


I'm not seeing a trace of green whatsoever.


Is it because it's the weekend that the server population is suddenly increased or is it word of mouth about the game and the suscriber rate is increasing drastically?

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I'd bet it's because BW lowered the server capacity to give the illusion that more people are playing.


Either that or to get more people just starting to play on the less populated servers.


No, I don't think more people are playing (at least not in the amounts you seem to be suggesting).

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I'd bet it's because BW lowered the server capacity to give the illusion that more people are playing.


Either that or to get more people just starting to play on the less populated servers.


No, I don't think more people are playing (at least not in the amounts you seem to be suggesting).


/ tinfoil hat :rolleyes:

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Yeah I'm on The Swiftsure server right now. 320 people in this instance. There is another whole instance with 50 people.


370 people on the fleet. This game is dying! ;)


Yeah The Swiftsure is my realm. Hasn't slowed down yet. Still going very strong and people are very positive and enjoy the game in all the chats I partake in. Such a strong contrast to the doom and gloom you see on these boards.

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Isn't Swiftsure one of the unofficial Oceanic servers?


I dunno what that even means. There's a lot of Australian players late at night but that's been the case for every WoW realm I've played on so it just seems natural to me. I get along with the Aussies so more power to them.

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Both The Swiftsure and The Harbinger are populated on a 24 hour basis because they are the unofficial pvp and pve servers for Oceanic, mixed in with people from the US.


When the game is launched in Oceanic regions those servers will drop if EA open servers in Australia.

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Both The Swiftsure and The Harbinger are populated on a 24 hour basis because they are the unofficial pvp and pve servers for Oceanic, mixed in with people from the US.


When the game is launched in Oceanic regions those servers will drop if EA open servers in Australia.


yeah, all my aussie and new zealand guildmates are going to leave behind their characters and gear that took months to gain when those new empty servers launch.

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My server has been growing pretty good over the past two weeks if fleet numbers are any indication. At first I just thought it was pop imbalance, but I have a republic and imperial char and I checked both fleets. both were up from the high 160's-190's (pub/imp respectively) to 210's-260's recently, both last night and tonight. Maybe its been a good week for new sales? Haven't checked the starter world pops yet.
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