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melee pvp why bother?


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Im not sure if this is a qq post or if im just lost as to what to do about burst damage melee classes in pvp. Right now it feels like its just a joke if they notice u its lights out no questions asked. They literally have a superior answer for anything you even think of doing. In other mmos you would have cc's to sort of contend with melee or just have to play smart to maintain range by kiting and such. But in this cluster **** of pvp they either totally counter all cc's you have available or just plain ignore it as they pile leap or just run straight for u with vasaline in hand.


Not to mention the rate at which they close distance almost totally negates your big damage abilities since they all have a cast time and can easily be broken on LOS. Normally i can get off maybe one or two missile go through every instant cast i have and still find myself running for dear life, cause the second im caught its a bad rick james video. I guess all that brings me to my second point did i not get the memo nearly everyone in pvp is sin or marradur with a few juggs sprinkled in.


Now i say all this not because i want any of the other classes to be nerfed. Not in the least i just want some pvp specific changes to my toon. Like in pvp only can some of my cast times be a little lower and the cool down on my one stun or pushback comeback maybe 15 sec's faster. Or could we maybe have a slow or emergency sprint just something to allow us to create or better maintain a little more range so we can function like were suppose to.


Nearly every melee class has an almost no cd leap or grapple they can pull us in with, that operates at the same ranges as our nukes. Most have mulitple cc's movement buffs and debuffs, just throw us a bone. I know its early but i cant be the only one who see's this disparity.

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If you want to really be disheartened at the lack of survival of the Merc versus Melee. Go duel them. Unless you out gear the opponent it is really hard for a merc to win versus a equally geared melee. I am pyro, can kite pretty well, but even then a Jugg can charge you, push you down,then charge again. This makes life hell as a merc. Our defense is lacking. Kiting is our best tool, but with no speed buffs we can only kite for so long. I expect some changes to address these 1v1 situations down the road but no time soon. I know the game balance isn't necessarily balanced for 1v1 but it should be to some extent.... That keyboard turning scrub shouldn't be able to give me absolute fits because my knock back is on cd...


As it stands the gap between skilled players and complete new boots is very slim b/c of bad class designs....skill still wins out, but the gap should be much broader. I'm not sur if that will ever change with this game though...I mean look at Aresenal spec. I see complete baddies topping DMg and kills with that spec...same for sorcs...


So yeah merc gets shafted on 1v1 versus melee, but all players take one in the groin in this game some way or another.

Edited by Irishbrewed
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You have tools to stop this, and if you're not good enough at using them, roll a Pyro and realize Melee are actually underpowered in this game, overall.


Melee isn't underpowered.. You mean they get shafted by catwalks in Huttball? That's cause of map design nothing to do with class...whole nother issue

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