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Xalek is the wort tank companion.


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xalek even in the tank stance his damage mitigation is pathetic. about 1/2 that of khem or any other characters tank companion. and even though his gear has absorbtion and shield rating on it ... it doesnt actually add to his defensive stats if you check his defensive stats .... so basically were stuck with a sintank companion who cannot tank. you are better of giving him dps assasin gear.


earlier i saw a xalek with like 20k hp and full columni gear get beaten everytime by other characters tank companions who were wearing greens and sub lvl 50 gears. pretty pathetic excuse for an apprentice.


not to mention his lightning attack seems to be his default attack move and u cannot turn it off making his saber pretty much worthless. and btw his lightning does pathetic dmg and cant even hold aggro over a healer sorc and he sits there and spams it like he is awesomesauce when he is actually crapsauce.


i will be trying out a vanguard next who seems to easily have the best companions .... healer companion with heavy armor anyone? all companions using aim + endurance so you can fully gear out all of your companions. seems like the only class that has real synergy with their companions.

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personally i found solo'ing elites to be way way easier when i got xalek i have put enough purps on him that his health is around 15K at this point i should add he finishes fights with half health or better i keep him bubbled the whole fight i interupt big heals or really powerful attacks and his extra dps keeps the fights shorter, and best of all he takes my hand-me-downs so that's my take on him .....it makes elites far easier and having played Maurader to 31 and mercenary to 43 its nice to be able to solo elites as easy as those classes do now. Pre-Xalek i could solo elites and live just fine it just took some planning and was more of a challenge than the other dps classes i have played.


I think people expecting him to be a great tank or to tank at the level of a player are expecting too much, but hey i am glad i have him

Edited by Shokurai
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The ONLY reason why I use him is because he can use the same gear I use. He cannot tank well nor DPS good enough to be worth it. Khem makes a better tank and Andronikos/Ashara are better at DPS'ing. I also hate the fact that you cannot turn off his force lightning attack.
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I find him completely useless, as a healing sorc I only have Ashara out, I don't notice much difference in damage taken but man she has a punch. Elites go down way faster that way and all in all I have to spend less force than when I would have used Xalek.
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For me he does better then Khem in roughly even gear and I use him for everything other then really hard elites, then Talos gets the call. I saw threads where everyone says an equal geared Khem will always be better so I spent the time getting Khem geared up and he just isn't as good. I understand the reasons why Khem is supposed to be better but in practice it hasn't worked out for me.


Besides X-man says "If my master asks me to slay death herself, I will do it".

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