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Is it so wrong to want...


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It it so wrong to want some *small* means of escape. I'd be willing to give up my...plasma grenade, Blitz, and adrenaline rush for one gimped long cool down escape method. I'm not asking for anything as ridiculous as this stealth vanish stuff. Just something to help a commando out. As it stands now, you engage an enemy and 1 or 2 more show up - 8 times out of 10 you're probably gonna just have to accept death.


You can't pop multiple cooldowns and become nigh invincible (Reactive + Adren + instant Concuss shot on one foe = no). You can't vanish. You can't pop something that boosts your resists and makes you immune to CC. You can't target some other enemy/friendly player and jump to them. The only thing you can do as a commando when encountering multiple enemies is pop your emergency supply of KY lube and prepare for the epic penetration.


But I know there has to be balance. We commandos are a very strong dps class. So as I said you can take away my plasma grenade (I'll miss it when I'm assault spec), Blitz (I have actually never used this skill...I'm not joking), and adrenaline rush. All I ask is for a gimped retreat.


Call it "tactical retreat" and make it increase all incoming damage by 90% while increasing movement speed by 30% and put it on a 5 minute cooldown if you have to. Just give me something other than attrition based death.


I just had an epiphany. Just give me an ability that allows me to instantly drop combat so I can move at 10% speed (reg sprint speed). I realize the next hit would negate the ability by putting me back in combat - Just give me something.... ANYTHING.

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Well just think of this, no other class except the counsular and guardian get a escape ability. And the guardian gets it at the terrible cost of been a squishy, lil tankish thing. I would accept this as "balancing" if they cut the grav round dmg by 50%, and reduced its range to 15m.


Ofcurs you, and I dont want anything close to that do we?

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Sorry, I'm just not feeling it.


I agree. After playing almost all of the other classes, I'm very happy with commando survivability (24/17 spec).


Concussive Force and Tenacious Defense are two amazing defensive talents. Use those smartly with the terrain and you can survive a lot.

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If u want such ability on commando, than u're playing really bad, maybe its time to change a class or search for a guide?


all i can tell u is to stop biting off more than you can chew

Edited by raplez
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